Sift Heads World Act 6 Games

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Oct 05, 2010  Sift Heads World - Act 6. Report Cinematic Bug. To play games on Kongregate, you must have Javascript enabled and be using a current version of Adobe's Flash Player. Play Sift Heads World: Act 6 - Another addictive episode of Sift Heads World with Vinnie, Shorty and Kiro. Game Sift Heads World - Act 6 - Having destroyed the headquarters of Alonzo, Vinnie and his gang try to find the culprits in the rubble.You will take a st › Create account › Enter. Play Sift Heads World - Act 6 shooting game on After having their head quarters destroyed, Vinnie and the gang try to find the culprit and stop them for good!

Sift Heads World Act 4

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Sift Heads World Act 10

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