Apt Get Install Certain Version

  1. Apt-get Install Specific Version Of Package
  2. Youtube Apt Get Install
  3. Apt-get Install Version Ubuntu
  4. How To Install Apt Get

This tutorial will help you to install specific version of packages using apt-get. First of all, list all available version of the package. For example to find available version of firefox run the following command. Sudo apt policy firefox The above command shows two version’s of firefox. Now, run the below command to install firefox version. When you have listed the versions to choose the specific one, you can install it with the apt-get install  command followed by the name and the version of the package. So, you need to follow the syntax as below. Using apt-get command to install specific version of package in Ubuntu Linux. Ubuntu users can install package from previous release or install a specific version of a package. A specific version of a package can be selected for installation by following the package name with an equals and the version of the package to select. Once you've setup the offical mongo PPA, Mongo's docs say that to install a specific version on Ubuntu, to run something like: sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org=3.6.2 I'd like to install versio. To install Docker in most ways on Linux machine is possible by simple way. Curl -SsL bash. But you may need in some cases to install specific docker version as per your.

Active11 days ago

It seems that my aptitude is somehow broken:

So I would like to reinstall aptitude by using apt-get.

Unfortunately it seems apt-get doesn't have a reinstall option.

How could I get aptitude to work again?

It's possible that I found the root cause for aptitude's segfault. Here is how I can reproduce it:

  1. 'ssh' remote login into the Debian machine via Cygwin's rxvt terminal (from a Windows 7 64-bit German edition).
  2. Enlarge the rxvt window so that it spans across two monitors (yes, I have two monitors)
  3. Run aptitude update. Note: when I resize the rxvt terminal to normal then I don't have these segmentation faults!
Peter Mortensen
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5 Answers

Apt-get Install Specific Version Of Package

Der Hochstapler
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You can reinstall a package with sudo apt-get install --reinstall packagename.This completely removes the package (but not the packages that depend on it), then reinstalls the package.

This can be convenient when the package has many reverse dependencies.

Milad KhajaviMilad Khajavi
1,2181 gold badge9 silver badges9 bronze badges

Sometimes you need to restore config files too! not just reinstall.

Youtube Apt Get Install

sudo apt-get install --reinstall xxxx

Reinstall the application, keeps the config files.

Apt-get install version

This could be helpful, but sometimes you need to start fresh, so what I use is this:


Apt-get Install Version Ubuntu


You should be safe to remove aptitude and reinstall, as that won't affect the other apt utilities. So: apt-get remove aptitude followed by apt-get install aptitude, or if that still fails try apt-get purge aptitude followed by apt-get install aptitude.

Before doing either of the above, I recommend a full file-system and bad-block check in case there is a problem there that caused the problem (depending on the problem, if there is one, further activity could make things worse). Also, make sure you review what will be removed in the remove/purge step before letting it proceed (it should pause to ask for permission if anything extra is changed as a result of removing that one package), to double check my thought that this is safe.

David SpillettDavid Spillett

How To Install Apt Get

That's like you never had installed the package before. I am doing this often with motion and such things.

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