Cybergenics Workout Pdf

Cybergenics used to be one of the top dogs back in the late 80's and early 90's. They were in the forefront of the supplement industry. Then in the mid 1990's the company was sold and they all but disappeared. Was it because of new innovations in supplements that they couldn't keep up with or was it because the new owners were poor business men?

I personally feel it is the latter since there are people that tell me that they made their best gains using those kits. Cybergenics was the first to take into account all factors of training, diet and supplements.

Whatever happened to Cybergenics? I am in search of a supplement that will aid in my weightloss/cutting attempt. Anyone have any good suggestions? I remember years ago that Cybergenics had Phase 1 and other cycles that were available. Are there anything on the market now-a-days that are just as comparable or better? Please let me know if there are any and experiences with them. Build Big Arms Workouts Download Now! But the real gem was the little blue Cybergenics manual, that covered everything in depth, diet, exercises, the exact workouts, how to take the supplements, etc. It's rare and hard to find but if you can get you hands on this manual it will make a great addition to your bodybuilding library. Cybergenics Phase 1 ia a comprehensive program meticulously designed by some of the top sports medical authorities, to create a metabolic foundation which creates greatly accelerated muscle growth. Cybergenics pioneered hi-tech perfomance nutrition with it's flagship product, the Total Bodybuilding System. Cybergenics was a company that was white hot back in the late 80's and early 90's. They pretty much pioneered a program that involved a lifting, supplements and diet before anyone else.

Yeah there was a certain mystique around the old Cybergenics workouts; it was oddly enough the only supplement line that ever tried (to my knowledge) tying a workout routine to their supplement line with the inference being that you needed both for it to work. Cybergenics Workout Program. The Cybergenics workout program is something that was first launched about 15 years ago and is an effective combination of diet recommendations, tablets or supplements and also includes a very specific workout program. It sounds easy zero effort but in reality should be called maximum this training principle is basically to go heavy as possible cybergenics phase 1 commercial 1993. Pics of: Cybergenics Phase 1 Workout Manual.

They had an intense, and I really mean intense, exercise program that gave some very formidable increases in strength, while building lean muscle mass and burning off body fat. The method they taught is very tough and a lot of hard work, but a friend of mine that busted through a couple of plateaus using the Cybergenics Phase 1 chest routine.

Cybergenics Phase 1 Chest Workout

Here is the workout he used. You'll need to know your one rep max to figure out what weight to use.

One Rep Max Calculator
Enter the amount of weight you lifted and the number of reps you lifted it for (the number of reps must be between 1 and 10 in order for the calculation to work). Your One Rep Max will appear at the top and all your percentages will appear below it.

When it says you should use 50% of your max weight, and your max is 100 pounds on the exercise, you would be using 50 pounds (100 times .5 = 50). If it is 35% of your max, you would use 35 pounds (100 times .35 = 35).

Warm Up

    2 sets warm-up
    at 35% of your one rep max for 15 - 18 reps.

Cycle #1C(Do Not Rest Between Exercises)

    - 80% max to positive failure (until you can't do another rep).

Dumbell Bench Press

    - same weight as flyes to positive failure.

Barbell Bench Press

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    - 50% max to positive and negative failure.
    Flyes - 40% max to positive failure.
    Dumbell Press - same weight as flyes to positive failure.

Rest then repeat cycle one or two more times.

Cycle #2C(Do Not Rest Between Exercises)

    - no weight added to positive failure.

Incline Bench Press

    - 70% max to positive and negative failure.

Rest then repeat cycle one more time.

Free Cybergenics Workout

Rest between cycles is only 1 minute, or as long as it takes your training partner to complete his cycle.

If your chest growth is lagging, give this workout a try. Check out for more information!

Copyright © 2002 by Paul Becker. All rights reserved.

Cybergenics Workout Routine
