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Hikvision security policy contains new features which makes the daily usage more appropriate. Since last year all their appliances starting with firmware version from 3.3.0 for NVRs/DVR and 5.3.0 firmware version for IP cameras, have no longer a default password. Under these condition, when the products is used for the very first time, users must activate them using 4 different ways. This password should stronger enough than “risk” hint given by device and it should respect the following conditions:
There are four kinds of characters that can be used for password: numbers/uppercase letters/lowercase letters/ special characters:
Download Hikvision SADP. Searches for corresponding online devices on your subnet and displays them in a list, along with additional information about them. Deewana movie songs download.
- It can eliminate problems with duplicated IP addresses (occurring after connecting a number of devices), even in the same network class. The software is available for Microsoft Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 2008 - 32/64-bit, Windows XP, Windows 2003 - 32-bit.
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Level 0 (risk): Password length is fewer than eight characters; password contains one kind of character; password is the same as user name; password is the mirror writing of user name. (Example: 12345, abcdefgh).
Level 1 (weak): Password contains two kinds of characters. The combination is number + lowercase letter or number + uppercase letter, and the password length must be no fewer than eight characters. (Example: 12345abc, 12345ABC).
Sadp Software Download
Level 2 (medium): Password contains two kinds of characters. The combination is NEITHER number + lowercase letter NOR number + uppercase letter, and the password length must be no less than eight characters. (Example: 1234567+, abcdefg/, GFEDCBA), ABCDEFGh ).
Level 3 (strong): Password contains more than two kinds of characters and the password length must be no less than eight characters. (Example: 1234abc+).
Having all these, let’s activate our Hikvision appliance. Operators have 4 distinct ways to activate a Hikvision appliance, such as using SADP software, via web-browser, locally, or using iVMS-4200 platform.
Product activation using SADP software
In order to activate the appliance using SADP, first of all, users must be sure that the SADP version allows such a procedure. The activation is available starting with version. The latest software version, v3.0.0.2, can be download form Hikvision portal.
SADP stands for Searching for Active Device Protocol, therefore it represents a Hikvision network scanner. The activation procedure is:
- Run the SADP software in order to search and display Hikvision appliance.
- Once the unit is successfully found and listed by SADP as being online, select it.
- On right side of this software, under the Device Activation group enter and confirm the activation password.
- Click OK to push the new password to unit.
Product activation via web-browser
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Hikvision appliances can also be activated using a web-browser, such as Internet Explorer. Once the unit web server is accessed, the operator need to define a login password.
Product activation by back-end device
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When the unit is powered up for the very first time, an Activation window is displayed(available only for DVR/NVRs). The operator has to define an confirm a strong password, then to save the settings. The “The device is activated” message will be prompt.
Product activation using iVMS-4200 software
Sadp Download Windows 10
Under the “Device Management” option users can activate the unit by hitting Activate option and define and confirm the new password.