Peoplesoft Peopletools 8.55 Peoplebooks Pdf

As Developer/Analyst I painstakingly went through the process of understanding and documenting PT 8.53 Activity Guide Security/Setup/Admin/User functionality for the functional user.

Top Four New Features that you should know in PeopleTools 8.55 Fluid Enhancements: With Tools 8.55, the PeopleSoft application homepage provided to the end user could be Fluid by way of default and the navigation shall be thru this new Fluid interface for all pages (fluid and classic). PeopleTools 8.53: Documentation for PeopleSoft Administrator Oracle Documentation is one of the best source available to understand, install and configure PeopleSoft application. Here is a list of documentation that would be required by any PeopleSoft Administrator. PeopleTools 8.55 – The Sunset of Crystal Reports and Enhancements to BI Publisher. An option to cancel data source changes is available, allowing a report developer to revert back to initial state. PeopleTools enables you to include attachments from external sources with BI Publisher PDF report output.

I then stepped away from the Activity Guide due to the fact we would be upgrading to PT 8.55 and the Activity Guide functionality was changing. Now we are PT 8.55 and I am feeling a bit lost with setup and security. I have had to grant myself Portal Administrator to have access to setup. However I am still having issues with not seeing lists of templates etc. when I go to create an instance. It is also not clear how I can use the delivered Setup Activity Guide to create a new Activity Guide.

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit PeopleSoft Enterprise PeopleTools 8.53 PeopleBooks.The list of all peoplebooks related to peopleTools are given below categorized according to use.You can find Book related to Online Library,Overview about peopletools and using peoplesoft application in general.

Is there detailed easy to follow documentation for Security/Setup/Admin/User functionality for PeopleTools 8.55 Activity Guides?

Thank you.

Jeanne Vural/Salem State University

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  • Horatio Eaton
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1 PeopleTools 8.55 Upgrade December 2015

2 PeopleTools 8.55 Upgrade SKU upt855_ Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Trademark Notice Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. AMD, Opteron, the AMD logo, and the AMD Opteron logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group. License Restrictions Warranty/Consequential Damages Disclaimer This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited. Warranty Disclaimer The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing. Restricted Rights Notice If this is software or related documentation that is delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing it on behalf of the U.S. Government, then the following notice is applicable: U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS: Oracle programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, delivered to U.S. Government end users are 'commercial computer software' pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, shall be subject to license terms and license restrictions applicable to the programs. No other rights are granted to the U.S. Government. Hazardous Applications Notice This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications that may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure its safe use. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications. Third Party Content, Products, and Services Disclaimer This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information about content, products, and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services unless otherwise set forth in an applicable agreement between you and Oracle. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services, except as set forth in an applicable agreement between you and Oracle. Documentation Accessibility For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

3 Access to Oracle Support Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.


5 Contents Preface About This Documentation Understanding This Documentation Audience Organization Typographical Conventions Products Related Information Comments and Suggestions Chapter 1 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade Understanding PeopleTools Upgrade Preparation Preparing Your PeopleTools Upgrade Job Understanding PeopleTools Upgrade Job Preparation Running the PeopleTools Filter Query Verifying the User Performing Script Modifications Understanding Script Modifications Copying the Materialized View Scripts Copying the PTDDLUPG Script Editing the PTDDLUPG Script Editing the GRANT Script Editing the UPGGRANT_855 Script Editing the PTxxxTLS Scripts Editing the DB2 Scripts Editing the DDL Parameters Preparing for the Integration Broker Conversion Preparing for a PeopleTools Patch Editing Multilingual Step Preparing for the Environment Configuration Update Cleaning Up PeopleTools Data Shrinking Images Preserving PeopleTools Configuration Data Understanding PeopleTools Configuration Data Preservation Saving Transparent Data Encryption Information Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 5

6 Contents Saving Oracle Fine Grained Auditing Information Converting Data Types Understanding Converting Data Types Updating Statistics Before Platform Changes Running the Long Data Audit Validating the Microsoft Reviewing Microsoft Settings Editing the Current Release GRANT Script Creating the Microsoft Conversion Project Generating the Microsoft Conversion Script Running the Microsoft Conversion Script Granting Permissions to the CONNECT ID Running the Microsoft Conversion Report Validating the Oracle Creating Oracle Audit Tables Auditing Duplicate Length Constraints Auditing Disabled Constraints Reviewing Oracle Settings Generating Oracle Conversion Scripts Running Long to LOB Script Running Long to LOB Script Running Long to LOB Script Running Long to LOB Script Running Long to LOB Script Running Long to LOB Script Running Long to LOB Script Running Long to LOB Script Auditing the Long to LOB Conversion Running CLS Drop Indexes Script Running CLS Drop Indexes Script Running CLS Drop Indexes Script Running CLS Drop Indexes Script Running CLS Drop Indexes Script Running CLS Drop Indexes Script Running CLS Drop Indexes Script Running CLS Drop Indexes Script Running Character Length Script Running Character Length Script Running Character Length Script Running Character Length Script Running Character Length Script Running Character Length Script Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

7 Contents Running Character Length Script Running Character Length Script Running CLS Rebuild Indexes Script Running CLS Rebuild Indexes Script Running CLS Rebuild Indexes Script Running CLS Rebuild Indexes Script Running CLS Rebuild Indexes Script Running CLS Rebuild Indexes Script Running CLS Rebuild Indexes Script Running CLS Rebuild Indexes Script Auditing Character Length Semantics Reviewing Conversion Reports Updating Options Creating the Oracle VARCHAR2 Conversion Project Populating the Oracle VARCHAR2 Conversion Project Generating the Oracle VARCHAR2 Conversion Script Editing the Oracle VARCHAR2 Conversion Script Running the Oracle VARCHAR2 Conversion Script Creating Updated Release Scripts Understanding Updated Release Script Creation Running a DBTSFIX Report Editing DBTSFIX Output Scripts Chapter 2 Preparing Your for Upgrade Understanding Preparation Updating Statistics Understanding Updating Statistics Running Initial Update Statistics for DB2 zos Generating the Initial RUNSTATS Report for DB2 LUW Running Initial Update Statistics for DB2 LUW Generating Initial Update Stats Script for Oracle Running Initial Update Statistics for Oracle Running Initial Update Statistics for Microsoft Running Initial Audit Reports Understanding Running Initial Audit Reports Running the Initial DDDAUDIT Report Running the Initial SYSAUDIT Report Running the Initial SYSAUD01 Report Running the Initial SWPAUDIT Report Creating the INITALTAUD Project Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 7

8 Contents Running the Initial Alter Audit Reviewing the Initial Audits Reviewing Table Row Counts Preparing Your Understanding Preparation Verifying Integrity Purging Message Queues Deleting DDDAUDIT Output Data Deleting Performance Monitor System Default Data Dropping Temporary Tablespaces Deleting Pagelet Wizard Data Manually Deleting Pagelet Wizard Data Dropping PeopleTools Tables Understanding Dropping PeopleTools Tables Dropping the PS_PSMCFQUEUESLANG Table Dropping the PSOPTSTATUS Table Dropping PeopleSoft Update Manager Tables Chapter 3 Applying PeopleTools Changes Understanding PeopleTools Changes Preparing for the DB2 Data Type Conversion Understanding the Conversion Preparation Editing the DB2 Data Type Conversion Script Running the DB2 Data Type Length Audit Reviewing the Initial Audits Before DB2 Conversion Performing Updates to PeopleTools System Tables Understanding Updating PeopleTools System Tables Cleaning Up Message Data Creating Tablespaces for DB Creating Tablespaces Updating System Catalog Views Updating PeopleSoft Roles Creating the Oracle Materialized Views Table Updating Additional PeopleSoft Roles Updating PeopleTools System Tables Granting Privileges to the CONNECT ID Encrypting Passwords Updating the for Timestamp Updating PeopleTools Patch Information Enabling the DB2 CAST Function Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

9 Contents Rerunning Update Statistics for DB2 zos Rerunning the RUNSTATS Report for DB2 LUW Rerunning Update Statistics for DB2 LUW Regenerating the Update Statistics Script for Oracle Rerunning Update Statistics for Oracle Turning Off Change Control Loading Model Definition Data Understanding Loading Model Definition Data Loading Model Definitions for DB2 zos Loading Model Definitions for DB2 LUW Loading Model Definitions for Oracle Loading Model Definitions for Microsoft Loading Message Data Reviewing PeopleTools Objects Copying Projects Understanding Copying Projects Copying the PPLTLS84CUR Project Copying the PPLTLS84CURML Project Copying the PPLTLSML Project Copying the PPLTLS84CURDEL Project Copying the PATCH85X Project Copying the PATCH85XML Project Populating Tablespace Data Populating Updated Tablespace Data Creating the DB2 Tablespace Audit Project Auditing DB2 Tablespace Assignments Updating Tablespace Names Updating DB2 Tablespace Assignments Building the Updated PeopleTools Project Generating the Updated PeopleTools Script Editing the Updated PeopleTools Script Running the Updated PeopleTools Script Migrating Records to New Tablespaces Understanding Record Migration to New Tablespaces Copying the PT84TBLSPC Project Building the Tablespace Alter Script Editing the Tablespace Alter Script Running the Tablespace Alter Script Converting DB2 Data Types Understanding DB2 Data Type Conversion Creating the DB2 Conversion Project Populating the DB2 Conversion Project Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 9

10 Contents Generating DB2 Conversion Scripts Editing DB2 Conversion Scripts Altering DB2 Conversion Tables Creating DB2 Conversion Indexes Creating DB2 Conversion Triggers Auditing After the DB2 Conversion Reviewing DB2 Conversion Reports Disabling the DB2 CAST Function Loading Base Data Loading Language Data Populating the Language Table Loading the Language Data Loading PeopleTools Data Loading Noncomparable Objects Loading English Messages Loading English String Data Loading Stored Statements Data Resetting the File Processing Functionality Loading PeopleTools Definition Group Compiling Directive PeopleCode Converting PeopleTools Objects Updating the REN Server Configuration Populating MCF Data Converting Portal Objects Encrypting Connector Passwords Loading Conversion Data Reporting Conversion Details Running PeopleTools Data Conversion Completing the PeopleTools Conversion Creating All Views Understanding Creating All Views Re-Creating All Views Creating the ALLVIEWS Project Generating the Create Views Script Running the Create Views Script Converting Integration Broker Understanding Converting Integration Broker Updating Integration Broker Defaults Creating Integration Broker Objects Saving Application Messaging Objects Exporting Node Transactions Preparing Integration Broker Deletes Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

11 Contents Deleting Application Messaging Objects Deleting Node Transactions Converting Integration Broker Objects Creating All Triggers Regenerating Sync IDs Clearing the Rowset Cache Creating Global Temporary Tables Understanding Global Temporary Tables Creation Creating the Global Temporary Tables Project Filtering the Global Temporary Tables Project Generating the Global Temporary Tables Script Editing the Global Temporary Tables Script Running the Global Temporary Tables Script Rebuilding Oracle Indexes Understanding Rebuilding Oracle Indexes Generating the Drop Descending Index Script Generating the Create Ascending Index Script Dropping Descending Indexes Setting the Ignore Descending Index Parameter Rebuilding Dropped Indexes Resetting the Ignore Descending Index Parameter Synchronizing Objects Understanding Object Synchronization Setting Index Attributes Setting Temporary Table Attributes Setting Table Attributes Updating Object Version Numbers Converting Oracle Time Data Types Understanding Oracle Time Data Types Conversion Backing Up Before Converting Data Types Creating Conversion Audit Tables Auditing Date to Timestamp Conversion Creating the PTTSTEMPTABS Project Filtering the Timestamp Temporary Tables Project Building the Timestamp Temporary Tables Project Editing the Timestamp Temporary Tables Script Generating Timestamp Conversion Scripts Creating Timestamp Temporary Tables Running Drop Indexes Script Running Drop Indexes Script Running Drop Indexes Script Running Drop Indexes Script Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 11

12 Contents Running Drop Indexes Script Running Drop Indexes Script Running Drop Indexes Script Running Drop Indexes Script Running Alter Timestamps Script Running Alter Timestamps Script Running Alter Timestamps Script Running Alter Timestamps Script Running Alter Timestamps Script Running Alter Timestamps Script Running Alter Timestamps Script Running Alter Timestamps Script Running Rebuild Indexes Script Running Rebuild Indexes Script Running Rebuild Indexes Script Running Rebuild Indexes Script Running Rebuild Indexes Script Running Rebuild Indexes Script Running Rebuild Indexes Script Running Rebuild Indexes Script Backing Up After the PeopleTools Upgrade Chapter 4 Completing Changes Understanding Changes Updating Language Data Understanding Updating Language Data Running the TSRECPOP Script Booting Servers Setting Up Security Understanding Security Synchronizing CREF Permissions Reviewing PeopleTools Functionality Enabling Oracle Transparent Data Encryption Enabling Oracle Fine Grained Auditing Running the Final Audit Reports Running the Final DDDAUDIT Report Running the Final SYSAUDIT Report Running the Final SWPAUDIT Report Creating the FNLALTAUD Project Running the Final Alter Audit Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

13 Contents Reviewing the Final Audits Reviewing Change Control Updating the Environment Configuration Updating Application Objects Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 13


15 About This Documentation This preface discusses: Understanding This Documentation Audience Organization Typographical Conventions Products Related Information Comments and Suggestions Understanding This Documentation This documentation is designed to direct you through the process of upgrading to your new PeopleSoft release. This section describes information that you should know before you begin working with PeopleSoft products and documentation, including PeopleSoft documentation conventions. Audience This documentation is written for the individuals responsible for upgrading to your new PeopleSoft release. This documentation assumes that you have a basic understanding of the PeopleSoft system. One of the most important components of a successful upgrade of your PeopleSoft installation is your on-site expertise. You should be familiar with your operating hardware environment and have the necessary skills to support that environment. You should also have a working knowledge of: SQL and SQL command syntax. PeopleSoft system navigation. PeopleSoft windows, menus, and pages, and how to modify them. Microsoft Windows. Oracle recommends that you complete training before performing an upgrade. See Oracle University Organization This documentation is divided into chapters that represent major milestones in the upgrade process. This documentation may also contain appendixes. When additional information is required to complete an upgrade task, you will be directed to the appropriate appendix. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 15

16 Preface Typographical Conventions To help you locate and understand information easily, this documentation uses the conventions listed in the following table: Convention Monospace Italics Initial Caps lower case Menu, Page Cross-references Description Indicates a PeopleCode program or other code, such as scripts that you run during the upgrade. Monospace also indicates messages that you may receive during the upgrade process. Indicates field values, emphasis, and book-length publication titles. Italics is also used to refer to words as words or letters as letters, as in the following example: Enter the letter O. Field names, commands, and processes are represented as they appear on the window, menu, or page. File or directory names are represented in lower case, unless they appear otherwise on the interface. A comma (,) between menu and page references indicates that the page exists on the menu. For example, 'Select Use, Process Definitions' indicates that you can select the Process Definitions page from the Use menu. Cross-references that begin with See refer you to additional documentation that will help you implement the task at hand. We highly recommend that you reference this documentation. Cross-references under the heading See Also refer you to additional documentation that has more information regarding the subject. ' ' (quotation marks) Indicate chapter titles in cross-references and words that are used differently from their intended meaning. (line-continuation arrow) Note. Note text. Important! Important note text. A line-continuation arrow inserted at the end of a line of code indicates that the line of code has been wrapped at the page margin. The code should be viewed or entered as a continuous line of code, without the line-continuation arrow. Text that begins with Note indicates information that you should pay particular attention to as you work with your PeopleSoft system. A note that begins with Important! is crucial and includes information about what you need to do for the system to function properly. 16 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

17 Preface Convention Warning! Warning text. Description A note that begins with Warning! contains crucial configuration information or implementation considerations; for example, if there is a chance of losing or corrupting data. Pay close attention to warning messages. Products This documentation may refer to these products and product families: Oracle's PeopleSoft Application Designer Oracle's PeopleSoft Change Assistant Oracle's PeopleSoft Data Mover Oracle's PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Oracle's PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture Oracle's PeopleSoft Customer Relationship Management Oracle's PeopleSoft Financial Management Oracle's PeopleSoft Human Capital Management Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise Learning Management Oracle's PeopleSoft Pay/Bill Management Oracle's PeopleSoft PeopleTools Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise Performance Management Oracle's PeopleSoft Interaction Hub Oracle's PeopleSoft Staffing Front Office Oracle's PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management See for a list of Oracle's PeopleSoft products. Related Information Oracle provides additional information that may help with your upgrade. The following information is available on My Oracle Support: Release Notes. Before you begin your upgrade, read the release notes to determine what has changed in the system and to familiarize yourself with the new features. The release notes also indicate whether you need to upgrade other portions of your system, such as your relational database management system (RDBMS) software or batch files. Go to My Oracle Support and search for the Release Notes for your product and release level. Installation Guides. Before you begin your upgrade, ensure that you have installed PeopleSoft PeopleTools and completed the installation of your PeopleSoft application, if applicable. To find the installation documentation for PeopleSoft PeopleTools or for your PeopleSoft application, go to My Oracle Support and search for the installation guide for your product and release level. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 17

18 Preface Comments and Suggestions Your comments are important to us. We encourage you to tell us what you like, or what you would like changed about our documentation, PeopleSoft Online Help (PeopleBooks), and other Oracle reference and training materials. Please send your suggestions to: While we cannot guarantee to answer every message, we will pay careful attention to your comments and suggestions. We are always improving our product communications for you. 18 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

19 Chapter 1 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade This chapter discusses: Understanding PeopleTools Upgrade Preparation Preparing Your PeopleTools Upgrade Job Verifying the User Performing Script Modifications Cleaning Up PeopleTools Data Shrinking Images Preserving PeopleTools Configuration Data Converting Data Types Creating Updated Release Scripts Understanding PeopleTools Upgrade Preparation Before you begin the technical portion of the upgrade, you must make a copy of your production database. In this chapter, you will modify upgrade scripts and the upgrade template to create a nearly automated upgrade. Task 1-1: Preparing Your PeopleTools Upgrade Job This section discusses: Understanding PeopleTools Upgrade Job Preparation Running the PeopleTools Filter Query Understanding PeopleTools Upgrade Job Preparation This task runs steps to update your PeopleTools upgrade job. Task 1-1-1: Running the PeopleTools Filter Query PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display this step only if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.53 or later. This step runs a filter query to filter steps out of your upgrade job that are not required for your specific environment. For example, steps will be filtered based on whether or not a table exists on your Target database. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 19

20 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade Chapter 1 Task 1-2: Verifying the User In this task, you verify that the user performing the upgrade steps has proper permissions to complete the upgrade. Ensure that your upgrade user has PeopleSoft administrator privileges. This allows access to the PeopleSoft portal to make necessary security changes for the upgrade and to run the Portal Application Engine upgrade program. You use this ID to update the security setting for your other users so they can sign in after the upgrade. Warning! You must perform this step now using your old version of PeopleSoft PeopleTools. If you skip this step, or if your user has insufficient PeopleSoft administrator privileges, you will not be able to complete your upgrade. You cannot complete this step later in the upgrade process. Perform the following steps to grant administrator privileges now. To grant your upgrade user PeopleSoft administrator privileges: 1. From the browser, select PeopleTools, Security, User Profiles, User Profiles. 2. Select the user ID for your upgrade user. 3. Select the Roles tab. 4. Add the role PeopleSoft Administrator if it is not already granted to your upgrade user. 5. Save the user profile. See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Security Administration for your new release. Task 1-3: Performing Script Modifications This section discusses: Understanding Script Modifications Copying the Materialized View Scripts Copying the PTDDLUPG Script Editing the PTDDLUPG Script 20 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

21 Chapter 1 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade Editing the GRANT Script Editing the UPGGRANT_855 Script Editing the PTxxxTLS Scripts Editing the DB2 Scripts Editing the DDL Parameters Preparing for the Integration Broker Conversion Preparing for a PeopleTools Patch Editing Multilingual Step Preparing for the Environment Configuration Update Understanding Script Modifications In this task, you perform preparation steps and make manual modifications to scripts delivered with your new PeopleSoft release. You must make the following modifications before proceeding with the remainder of your upgrade. Task 1-3-1: Copying the Materialized View Scripts PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display this step only if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.53 or earlier. In this step, you copy the UPGGRANT.SQL script to the PS_HOMESCRIPTS directory. If you are an Oracle/UNIX customer, transfer the file from the UNIX file server (PS_HOME/SCRIPTS/UNIX) to your Windows file server PS_HOMESCRIPTS directory. If you are an Oracle/NT customer, you can find the file in PS_HOMESCRIPTSNT. The UPGGRANT.SQL script assumes that you are using the PSADMIN role. If you are NOT using the PSADMIN role, then edit the script for the correct role name. Additionally, copy the UTLXMV.SQL script to the PS_HOMESCRIPTS directory. If you are an Oracle/UNIX customer, transfer the file from the UNIX database server ($ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin) to your Windows file server PS_HOMESCRIPTS directory. If you are an Oracle/NT customer you can find the file at %ORACLE_HOMErdbmsadmin. Task 1-3-2: Copying the PTDDLUPG Script PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display this step only if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.53 or earlier. In this step, you copy the PTDDLUPG.SQL script to the PS_HOMESCRIPTS directory. If you are an Oracle/UNIX customer, transfer the file from the UNIX file server (PS_HOME/SCRIPTS/UNIX) to your Windows file server PS_HOMESCRIPTS directory. If you are an Oracle/NT customer, you can find the file in PS_HOMESCRIPTSNT. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 21

22 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade Chapter 1 Task 1-3-3: Editing the PTDDLUPG Script PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display this step only if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.53 or earlier. In this step, you edit files depending on your database platform. Refer to the following table to determine the appropriate file to modify. The following table shows the database platform, script name, and step properties action: Platform Script Name Step Action DB2 z/os (EBCDIC) PTDDLUPG.SQL Do not edit DB2 z/os (Unicode) PTDDLUPGU.SQL Edit DB2 LUW (ANSI) PTDDLUPG.SQL Do not edit DB2 LUW (Unicode) PTDDLUPGU.SQL Edit Oracle PTDDLUPG.SQL N/A Edit the appropriate file, located at PS_HOMESCRIPTS to add site-specific tablespace names, tablespace parameters, database names, and STOGROUPs as applicable for your database platform. PeopleSoft PeopleTools delivers new tablespaces in the new PeopleSoft release. The PTDDLUPG.SQL script builds new tablespaces as part of the upgrade, so you need to remove any tablespaces from the script that already exist in your database. Review the script with your database administrator and follow the instructions in the script for your platform. Note. Comments in the script indicate the specific PeopleTools release in which the tablespace was introduced. Additionally, DB2 Unicode customers will need to perform an additional task to ensure that the correct script is run by PeopleSoft Change Assistant. If the preceding table indicates that step properties need to be updated, modify the step titled Creating Tablespaces for DB2 to run the PTDDLUPGU.SQL script. You can find this file in the PS_HOMESCRIPTS directory. If you choose not to update the step properties, you need to rename the PTDDLUPGU.SQL script to PTDDLUPG.SQL instead. Note. If you are an Oracle customer, you need to edit the script to ensure that all of the DDL within this script is permissible for the access ID because the PTDDLUPG.SQL script will be automatically run later in the upgrade using the access ID. Note. If you are a DB2 z/os customer, you need to edit the PTDDLUPG.SQL or PTDDLUPGU.SQL script generated during installation. This script needs to be placed in the PS_HOMESCRIPTS directory so it can be run later during the upgrade. 22 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

23 Chapter 1 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade See Performing Updates to PeopleTools System Tables, Updating PeopleTools System Tables. See Performing Updates to PeopleTools System Tables, Creating Tablespaces for DB2. See Performing Updates to PeopleTools System Tables, Creating Tablespaces. Target All All DB2 z/os DB2 LUW Oracle All Task 1-3-4: Editing the GRANT Script Edit PS_HOMESCRIPTSGRANT.SQL and make the necessary modifications as documented in the script. Task 1-3-5: Editing the UPGGRANT_855 Script PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display this step if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeoleTools 8.54 or earlier. As of PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.55, the Oracle in-memory feature is supported on Oracle 12c or later, but additional privileges need to be granted to use the new feature. The PS_HOMESCRIPTSUPGGRANT_855.SQL script assumes that you are using the PSADMIN role. If you are using Oracle 12c or later and not using the PSADMIN role, then edit the script for the correct role name. However, if you are using Oracle 11g or earlier, you will instead need to mark the step Updating Additional PeopleSoft Roles as complete in your upgrade job in PeopleSoft Change Assistant. This step is not applicable for Oracle databases running on 11g or earlier. To mark the step as complete: 1. In PeopleSoft Change Assistant, in the task Performing Updates to PeopleTools System Tables, select the step Updating Additional PeopleSoft Roles. 2. Select Edit, Complete, or press F7 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 23

24 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade Chapter 1 Task 1-3-6: Editing the PTxxxTLS Scripts This step applies only if you are running on a DB2 z/os platform. To edit the PTxxxTLS scripts: 1. Edit all of the scripts in the PS_HOMESCRIPTS directory on the file server that conform to this file naming convention: PTxxxTLS.DMS PTxxxTLSyyy.DMS The xxx represents a PeopleSoft PeopleTools release greater than your current PeopleSoft PeopleTools release and yyy represents the three-letter language code. 2. Uncomment and modify the set owner ID command within each script, as in the following example: set execute_sql set current sqlid = 'OwnerId In Upper Case'; Target All All DB2 z/os All Task 1-3-7: Editing the DB2 Scripts Perform this step only if your database platform is DB2 z/os. DB2 z/os scripts that create tables need the set current sqlid statement so that the tables are created with the correct owner ID. Open each script listed below, then uncomment and modify all of the DB2-specific statements to reflect your environment. For SQL scripts, if the script does not contain DB2-specific statements, add the following line to the top of the script and edit it for your environment: set current sqlid = 'OWNERID (in uppercase)'; For PeopleSoft Data Mover scripts (DMSs), if the script does not contain DB2-specific statements, add the following line to the top of the script and edit it for your environment: set execute_sql set current sqlid = 'OWNERID (in uppercase)'; Following is a list of the scripts that you need to edit: MSGTLSUPG.DMS 24 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

25 Chapter 1 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade PSLANGUAGES.DMS TLSUPGNONCOMP.DMS ENCRYPT.DMS Target All All DB2 z/os All Task 1-3-8: Editing the DDL Parameters Edit the PS_HOMESCRIPTSDDLxxx.DMS script for your database platform, as specified in the table below: Script DDLDB2.DMS DDLDBX.DMS DDLORA.DMS Platform DB2 z/os DB2 LUW Oracle At the bottom of this script, there will be an insert into PSDDLDEFPARMS. This insert contains default information used when creating a table, an index, a unique index, or a tablespace. Verify with your database administrator that the last value for each row is appropriate for your environment by checking the values currently stored in your PSDDLDEFPARMS table. Otherwise, the values will be reset to the default values delivered in this script. Target All All DB2 z/os DB2 LUW Oracle All Task 1-3-9: Preparing for the Integration Broker Conversion This section discusses: Understanding Integration Broker Conversion Editing PTIBUPGRADE.DMS Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 25

26 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade Chapter 1 Editing PTUPGIBDEL.SQL Editing the Change Assistant Template Understanding Integration Broker Conversion In this step, you edit various Integration Broker scripts that are run during the upgrade. You also need to modify PeopleSoft Change Assistant step properties with an updated script name so that the upgrade does not error out on an incorrect script name. PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display this step only if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.47 or earlier. You must perform this step if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.47 or earlier. Editing PTIBUPGRADE.DMS Edit PS_HOMESCRIPTSPTIBUPGRADE.DMS and make the necessary modifications as documented in the script. User level node security and transactional security have been added as of PeopleSoft PeopleTools Service namespace information, a low-level user on the node, and a low-level permission list for service operations, need to be specified. Consult with your Integration Broker specialist for assistance. Editing PTUPGIBDEL.SQL Edit PS_HOMESCRIPTSPTUPGIBDEL.SQL to delete data from the tables that only exist in the old PeopleSoft PeopleTools release. Open the script and modify it as follows. To modify the PTUPGIBDEL.SQL script: 1. Search for the string?--- End of PT8.xx ---? in which xx represents the last two digits of the PeopleSoft PeopleTools release from which you are upgrading. 2. Delete the entire portion of the script below this string. 3. Save the script as PS_HOMESCRIPTSPTUPGIBDEL8xx.SQL in which xx represents the last two digits of the PeopleSoft PeopleTools release from which you are upgrading, as determined in step 1. Important! Save the script using the naming convention shown above. This will preserve the original script for use in updating other databases at different PeopleSoft PeopleTools releases and assist in running the script automatically. Editing the Change Assistant Template Follow this procedure to edit your PeopleSoft Change Assistant template so that the correct script is run. To edit the template: 1. In PeopleSoft Change Assistant, in the task Performing Updates to PeopleTools System Tables, right-click the step Cleaning Up Message Data, and then select Step. 2. Change the Script/Procedure value from PTUPGIBDEL8xx to the specific name that you used in step 3 of the procedure Editing PTUPGIBDEL.SQL, without the.sql extension. 3. Click OK. 26 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

27 Chapter 1 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade Task : Preparing for a PeopleTools Patch This section discusses: Understanding Preparing for a PeopleTools Patch Upgrading Without a PeopleTools Patch Upgrading With a PeopleTools Patch Understanding Preparing for a PeopleTools Patch You may be upgrading using a patched PeopleSoft PeopleTools release. In this step, you modify your PeopleSoft Change Assistant upgrade job depending on whether you are applying a PeopleSoft PeopleTools patch or not. Follow the instructions in the appropriate section below. Upgrading Without a PeopleTools Patch If you are not applying a PeopleSoft PeopleTools patch as part of the upgrade process, mark the following steps as complete in your upgrade job in PeopleSoft Change Assistant. These steps are not applicable when upgrading to an unpatched version of PeopleSoft PeopleTools: 'Applying PeopleTools Changes,' Performing Updates to PeopleTools System Tables, Updating PeopleTools Patch Information 'Applying PeopleTools Changes,' Copying Projects, Copying the PATCH85X Project 'Applying PeopleTools Changes,' Copying Projects, Copying the PATCH85XML Project To set the patch steps as complete: 1. In PeopleSoft Change Assistant, select the step. 2. Select Edit, Complete, or press F7. Upgrading With a PeopleTools Patch If you are applying a PeopleSoft PeopleTools patch as part of the upgrade process, review the patch documentation and perform any additional database upgrade instructions, other than running PTPATCH.DMS, that may be listed prior to the copy of the patch project. Do not run PTPATCH.DMS at this time, as PTPATCH.DMS will be run later in the upgrade. Additionally, verify whether a database project was delivered with the patch. Perform the following steps only if you are applying a PeopleSoft PeopleTools patch that includes a database project. To prepare for applying a PeopleSoft PeopleTools patch: 1. In PeopleSoft Change Assistant, open your upgrade job. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 27

28 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade Chapter 1 2. In the task Copying Projects, right-click the step Copying the PATCH85X Project, and then select Step. 3. In the Step dialog box, change the #PROJECT value in the Parameters field from PATCH85X to the actual name of the PeopleTools patch project (e.g., PATCH852). 85X represents the PeopleSoft PeopleTools release of the patch project, which should correspond to the PeopleSoft PeopleTools release to which you are upgrading. 4. Click OK. 5. If you license multiple languages and translatable changes were delivered in the patch, perform the following steps: a. In the task Copying Projects, right-click the step Copying the PATCH85XML Project, and then select Step. b. In the Step dialog box, change the #PROJECT value in the Parameters field from PATCH85XML to the actual name of the PeopleTools patch project (e.g., PATCH850ML). 85X represents the PeopleSoft PeopleTools release of the patch project, which should correspond to the PeopleSoft PeopleTools release to which you are upgrading. c. Click the Upgrade button, and then click the Options button. d. On the Copy Options tab, deselect any languages that you do not license. Common and English should remain deselected. e. Click OK three times. See 'Installing the Software,' Installing the New Release. Task : Editing Multilingual Step In this step, you edit the PeopleSoft Change Assistant step properties for the multilingual PeopleSoft PeopleTools project copy step (or steps). Copy only the translated objects for the languages that you license. This prevents the translated objects for unlicensed languages from copying over. You will copy any multilingual projects later in the upgrade process. Depending on which languages you license, you will need to complete the following instructions once or twice. If you license any of these languages Arabic, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Finnish, French, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Turkish, or UK English perform the following instructions for the step 'Copying the PPLTLSML Project.' If you license any of these languages Canadian French, Dutch, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Swedish, Traditional Chinese, or Thai perform the following instructions for the step 'Copying the PPLTLS84CURML Project.' To edit multilingual step properties: 1. In PeopleSoft Change Assistant, select the step. 2. Open the Step dialog box. 28 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

29 Chapter 1 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade 3. Click the Upgrade button, and then click the Options button. 4. On the Copy Options tab, deselect any languages that you do not license. Common and English should remain deselected. 5. Click OK three times. 6. Save the template in PeopleSoft Change Assistant. See Copying the PPLTLS84CURML Project. See Copying the PPLTLSML Project. Non-English Task : Preparing for the Environment Configuration Update Understanding Environment Configuration Update Preparation In this step you modify your Change Assistant job depending on whether you are running the PeopleTools upgrade as a standalone upgrade or as part of an application upgrade. Running a Standalone PeopleTools Upgrade If you are upgrading your PeopleTools version from a lower release to the current release, but you are not upgrading your application, mark the task Updating the Environment Configuration as complete. Updating the Environment Configuration is not applicable if you are not performing an application upgrade. To mark the task as complete: 1. In PeopleSoft Change Assistant, in the Completing Changes chapter, select the task Updating the Environment Configuration. 2. Select Edit, Complete, or press F7. Running a PeopleTools Upgrade as Part of an Application Upgrade If you are upgrading your PeopleTools as part of an application upgrade, Change Assistant will run an application-only upgrade job after the completion of the PeopleTools upgrade job. To prepare the Change Assistant environment to run the application-only upgrade job: 1. In PeopleSoft Change Assistant, open your PeopleTools upgrade job. 2. In the Completing Changes chapter, right-click the task Updating the Environment Configuration and select Step. 3. In the Step dialog box, change the Type from Manual Stop to UpdateCurrentHomes. 4. Click OK. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 29

30 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade Chapter 1 Task 1-4: Cleaning Up PeopleTools Data PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display this step only if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.46, 8.47, 8.48, 8.49, 8.50, or In this step, you modify or delete PeopleSoft PeopleTools data prior to performing the PeopleSoft PeopleTools upgrade. This is necessary so that tables can be altered and indexes can be created successfully later in the upgrade. Use the following instructions for your specific PeopleSoft PeopleTools release: If you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.46, 8.47, 8.48, or 8.49: PSLOCALEORDER has three fields defined: ISO_LOCALE, SEQNUM, and ISO_LOCALE_CHILD. This table is used internally by PeopleSoft PeopleTools to prioritize locales when consuming a remote WSRP service description. Priority is defined by the SEQNUM field. See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Portal Technology for more information about language support for consuming and producing remote portlets. As of PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.50, a unique index with the keys ISO_LOCALE and SEQNUM will be created for the PSLOCALEORDER table. You need to ensure that PSLOCALEORDER does not contain any duplicates so that the unique index can be created successfully later in the upgrade. To determine whether you have any rows of data that share the same set of values for ISO_LOCALE and SEQNUM, run the following SQL: SELECT ISO_LOCALE, SEQNUM, COUNT(SEQNUM) AS NUMBER_OF_DUPLICATE_ROWS FROM PSLOCALEORDER GROUP BY ISO_LOCALE, SEQNUM HAVING COUNT(SEQNUM) > 1; This SQL will return the number of duplicate rows that share the same set of values for ISO_LOCALE and SEQNUM. If any rows are returned, decide which row of data you want to keep and delete the other rows. After deleting the duplicate rows, rerun the above SQL to verify that no further duplicates exist. If your are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.50 or 8.51: PSCUBRUNCNTL is the run control table that stores the set of parameters required for running the process to build Essbase cube. The run control table should be keyed by user ID and run control ID. See the PeopleTools: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler PeopleBook for your current release, 'Submitting and Scheduling Process Requests,' Understanding Run Control IDs. Prior to PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.52, CUB_OUTLINEID, CUB_CONNECTID, ANALYSIS_DB_APP, and ANALYSIS_DB_NAME were incorrectly defined as keys, causing non-unique run control IDs to be created. As of PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.52, a unique index with the keys OPRID and RUN_CNTL_ID will be created for the PSCUBRUNCNTL table. You need to ensure that PSCUBRUNCNTL does not contain any duplicates so that the unique index can be created successfully later in the upgrade. To determine whether you have any rows of data that share the same set of values for OPRID and RUN_CNTL_ID, run the following SQL: SELECT OPRID, RUN_CNTL_ID, COUNT(RUN_CNTL_ID) AS NUMBER_OF_DUPLICATE_ ROWS FROM PSCUBRUNCNTL GROUP BY OPRID, RUN_CNTL_ID HAVING COUNT(RUN_ 30 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

31 Chapter 1 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade CNTL_ID) > 1; This SQL will return the number of duplicate rows that share the same set of values for OPRID and RUN_CNTL_ID. If any rows are returned, decide which row of data you want to keep and delete the other rows. After deleting the duplicate rows, rerun the above SQL to verify that no further duplicates exist. Task 1-5: Shrinking Images If you have customized images stored in your database, you may need to shrink these images before updating PeopleSoft PeopleTools system tables later in the upgrade. Large image fields could cause that step to fail because it is not possible to bind long raw data that is longer than 32 KB. To shrink images using a PeopleSoft PeopleTools release higher than : 1. Launch Configuration Manager and select the Profile tab. 2. Select the profile for the upgrade database and click Edit. 3. Select the Common tab. 4. Select the option that is labeled either Convert and Shrink Images to Image Size Limit, or Convert DIB and BMP images to JPG. 5. Click OK. Note. If you shrink images again, select Don't Convert, but Shrink Images to Image Size Limit. Specify the number of bytes for the image size limit. 6. Launch PeopleSoft Application Designer. 7. Select Tools, Upgrade, Convert Images Select Convert Static Images in Image Catalog. 9. Click Start to convert or shrink images. 10. Select Tools, Upgrade, Convert Images Select Convert Dynamic Images for fields. Select the box for all of the fields listed. Select the box for all of the fields listed. 12. Click Start to convert or shrink images. If you are using a PeopleSoft PeopleTools release earlier than , you will need to manually save and temporarily remove any custom images greater than 32 KB. Using your SQL query tool, run the following SQL to identify images greater than 32 KB: -- CREATE A TABLE TO HOLD THE CONVERTED IMAGE CREATE TABLE PS_CONVIMG (CONTNAME VARCHAR2(30), IMAGESIZE BLOB); -- LOAD CONVERTED DATA INTO THE TABLE INSERT INTO PS_CONVIMG SELECT CONTNAME,TO_LOB(CONTDATA) FROM PSCONTDEFN; Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 31

32 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade Chapter 1 -- RETRIEVE IMAGES OVER 32K SELECT CONTNAME, DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(IMAGESIZE) IMAGESIZE FROM PS_ CONVIMGWHERE DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(IMAGESIZE) > 32768; To manually save images greater than 32 KB: 1. In PeopleSoft Application Designer, insert your images into a project. Select Insert, Definitions into Project. 2. Save the project. 3. Copy the images to file. Select Tools, Upgrade, Copy Project to File. 4. Delete the rows for the images in your project from the PSCONTDEFN table. 5. When you are finished with the upgrade, copy the project from file to restore your custom images. Select Tools, Upgrade, Copy Project from File. See 'Applying PeopleTools Changes,' Updating PeopleTools System Tables. Task 1-6: Preserving PeopleTools Configuration Data This section discusses: Understanding PeopleTools Configuration Data Preservation Saving Transparent Data Encryption Information Saving Oracle Fine Grained Auditing Information Understanding PeopleTools Configuration Data Preservation In this task you run scripts to preserve your PeopleTools configuration data. You will disable certain functionality and save configuration data for use at the end of the upgrade. Task 1-6-1: Saving Transparent Data Encryption Information PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display and run this step only if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.50 or higher. 32 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

33 Chapter 1 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade If you have defined encrypted fields within PeopleSoft PeopleTools for Oracle's Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) feature, note that all metadata field definitions are delivered from PeopleSoft applications without any encryption attributes enabled. PeopleSoft applications will not deliver any metadata indicating that encryption is enabled for any field for an initial installation database file, project, or a PeopleSoft PeopleTools or PeopleSoft application patch. If you customize any fields by adding TDE encryption, you will need to keep track of the fields and their associated record definitions and ensure that you maintain the desired encryption status throughout any upgrades that you perform. If you have TDE enabled, run PS_HOMESCRIPTSPREUPGTDEPROCESS.SQL. This script clears the TDE encryption algorithm currently defined in the PeopleSoft metadata. The script also creates two projects, ENCRYPTEDFLDSB and ENCRYPTEDTBLSB. The project ENCRYPTEDFLDSB contains fields that currently have distinct encrypted columns and the project ENCRYPTEDTBLSB contains recfields that currently have distinct encrypted columns, as indicated in the Oracle database catalog. You will need the information in the projects and the log file that results from running this script in order to reimplement TDE after the upgrade. See 'Completing Application Changes,' Enabling Oracle Transparent Data Encryption. Task 1-6-2: Saving Oracle Fine Grained Auditing Information If you have implemented Oracle's Fine Grained Auditing (FGA) feature on PeopleSoft tables, disable it for the duration of the upgrade to improve upgrade performance. To disable Fine Grained Auditing: 1. Run PS_HOMESCRIPTSPREUPGFGAREPORT.SQL. This script reports on the current (pre-upgrade) FGA policies stored in USER_AUDIT_POLICIES, detailing all columns by table for all tables with FGA policies. Keep this report to use at the end of the final pass of the upgrade. 2. Run PS_HOMESCRIPTSPREUPGFGAPROCESS.SQL. This script generates the scripts PSCREATEFGA.SQL and PSDISABLEFGA.SQL. 3. Run the generated PSDISABLEFGA.SQL to disable FGA polices. You will run the generated PSCREATEFGA.SQL script at the end of the final pass of the upgrade. Do not run it at this time. See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Data Management for your new release for more information about administering PeopleSoft databases on Oracle. See 'Completing Application Changes,' Enabling Oracle Fine Grained Auditing. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 33

34 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade Chapter 1 Task 1-7: Converting Data Types This section discusses: Understanding Converting Data Types Updating Statistics Before Platform Changes Running the Long Data Audit Validating the Microsoft Reviewing Microsoft Settings Editing the Current Release GRANT Script Creating the Microsoft Conversion Project Generating the Microsoft Conversion Script Running the Microsoft Conversion Script Granting Permissions to the CONNECT ID Running the Microsoft Conversion Report Validating the Oracle Creating Oracle Audit Tables Auditing Duplicate Length Constraints Auditing Disabled Constraints Reviewing Oracle Settings Generating Oracle Conversion Scripts Running Long to LOB Script 1 Running Long to LOB Script 2 Running Long to LOB Script 3 Running Long to LOB Script 4 Running Long to LOB Script 5 Running Long to LOB Script 6 Running Long to LOB Script 7 Running Long to LOB Script 8 Auditing the Long to LOB Conversion Running CLS Drop Indexes Script 1 Running CLS Drop Indexes Script 2 34 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

35 Chapter 1 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade Running CLS Drop Indexes Script 3 Running CLS Drop Indexes Script 4 Running CLS Drop Indexes Script 5 Running CLS Drop Indexes Script 6 Running CLS Drop Indexes Script 7 Running CLS Drop Indexes Script 8 Running Character Length Script 1 Running Character Length Script 2 Running Character Length Script 3 Running Character Length Script 4 Running Character Length Script 5 Running Character Length Script 6 Running Character Length Script 7 Running Character Length Script 8 Running CLS Rebuild Indexes Script 1 Running CLS Rebuild Indexes Script 2 Running CLS Rebuild Indexes Script 3 Running CLS Rebuild Indexes Script 4 Running CLS Rebuild Indexes Script 5 Running CLS Rebuild Indexes Script 6 Running CLS Rebuild Indexes Script 7 Running CLS Rebuild Indexes Script 8 Auditing Character Length Semantics Reviewing Conversion Reports Updating Options Creating the Oracle VARCHAR2 Conversion Project Populating the Oracle VARCHAR2 Conversion Project Generating the Oracle VARCHAR2 Conversion Script Editing the Oracle VARCHAR2 Conversion Script Running the Oracle VARCHAR2 Conversion Script Understanding Converting Data Types As of PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.54, new database data types are supported for PeopleTools system databases running Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or later and Oracle 9i or later. If you are using a PeopleSoft application database (for example, HCM, FSCM, CRM, or ELM), you should not run this conversion as part of the PeopleTools only upgrade. Do not run this task unnecessarily. For Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and later, the data types VARCHAR, NVARCHAR, VARBINARY(MAX), and VARCHAR(MAX) are now supported. s on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and earlier will not use these new data types. The data types as defined in PeopleSoft Application Designer are not changed; only the databaselevel definition will be different: Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 35

36 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade Chapter 1 Records with fields defined as PeopleSoft CHAR(N) will now use VARCHAR(N). Records with fields defined as PeopleSoft NCHAR(N) will now use NVARCHAR(N). Records with fields defined as PeopleSoft Long Character(N) will now use VARCHAR(N) if N is <=4000 and VARCHAR(MAX) if N is > 4000 for non-unicode. Records with fields defined as PeopleSoft Long Character(N) will now use NVARCHAR(N) if N is <=4000 and VARCHAR(MAX) if N is > 4000 for Unicode databases. Records with fields defined as PeopleSoft IMAGE will now use VARBINARY(MAX). For Oracle 9i or later, the data types CLOB and BLOB are now supported. In addition, the Character Length Semantics feature is also supported for Unicode databases when creating PeopleSoft CHAR fields and LONG CHARACTER fields with specified lengths less than 1334: Records with fields defined as PeopleSoft IMAGE or PeopleSoft LONG CHARACTER with Raw Binary will now use BLOB. Records with fields defined as PeopleSoft LONG CHARACTER with no length specified, length greater than 1333 (UNICODE), or length greater than 1333 (ANSI) will now use CLOB. Task 1-7-1: Updating Statistics Before Platform Changes For Oracle platforms, contact your database administrator to update the statistics on the database catalog. This will improve performance for subsequent steps in the upgrade. Typically only the users sys and sysdba have the authority to perform this task. The following command updates the statistics on the database catalog: EXEC DBMS_STATS.GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS('SYS'); Task 1-7-2: Running the Long Data Audit This step runs LONGS-AUDIT.SQL, which audits for any fields exceeding the actual data length for PeopleSoft long character columns. You will review the output in a later step. Target All All MS SQL Server All 36 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

37 Chapter 1 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade Task 1-7-3: Validating the Microsoft This step runs DBSETTINGS.SQL, which checks the Microsoft SQL Server version. The data type conversion is supported only with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or later. You will review the output in a later step. Target All All MS SQL Server All Task 1-7-4: Reviewing Microsoft Settings If you are upgrading a PeopleTools system database, the data type update and a minimum of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 are required. You will run a conversion process that will substitute the old data types for new ones. The data type conversion is supported for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or later with PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.54 or later on a PeopleTools system database. If you are using a delivered PeopleSoft application database, you should not run this conversion as part of this upgrade. Examine the log file from the step Validating the Microsoft to ensure that you are running a supported version of Microsoft SQL Server. Do not perform the rest of this task if you do not meet the qualifications. Examine the log file from the step Running the Long Data Audit to determine whether there are any fields shorter than length 4000 in the database that exceed the actual data length defined for the PeopleSoft long character fields. Prior to PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.48, all PeopleSoft long character fields were created using the TEXT SQL Server data type, and no matter the length defined by the PeopleSoft Application Designer, the data in the field could grow as much as the TEXT limits on SQL Server. After the data type conversion, the length specified in PeopleSoft Application Designer will be enforced for all fields shorter than length 4000, except for those with length zero. If your data is larger than the length defined in PeopleSoft Application Designer, then you must correct the length using PeopleSoft Application Designer or change the data itself using your SQL query tool. You must decide whether you want a change in the field length definition or a change in the data. The log file created by LONGS-AUDIT.SQL will only show all of the fields that contain data exceeding a length between 1 and 4000 and will be empty if this condition does not occur with no other action to take. Resolve these problems before continuing to the next step, otherwise the conversion process will fail. If necessary, contact your database administrator for assistance in modifying the fields. If no fields are listed in the log file, no further action is needed and you may proceed with the upgrade. Target All All MS SQL Server All Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 37

38 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade Chapter 1 Task 1-7-5: Editing the Current Release GRANT Script Edit your current release PS_HOMESCRIPTSGRANT.SQL and make the necessary modifications as documented in the script. Note. You will edit the new release PS_HOMESCRIPTSGRANT.SQL separately in a later step. Target All All MS SQL Server All Task 1-7-6: Creating the Microsoft Conversion Project This step runs MSSNEWTYPE.SQL, which generates and populates the MSSNEWTYPE project. The project contains all of the records that need to be modified to use the newly supported data types. Target All All MS SQL Server All Task 1-7-7: Generating the Microsoft Conversion Script This step generates the SQL script MSSNEWTYPE_ALTER.SQL to alter the records in the MSSNEWTYPE project. The generated script will alter the tables with the new data types. Target All All MS SQL Server All Task 1-7-8: Running the Microsoft Conversion Script This step runs the generated script from the previous step. This will alter the existing tables to use the new data types. All of the tables will be copied into their new representation using the new data types and all of the additional padding blanks derived from the use of the old data types will be truncated. 38 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

39 Chapter 1 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade Target All All MS SQL Server All Task 1-7-9: Granting Permissions to the CONNECT ID This step runs the GRANT.SQL script. This script grants select access to the CONNECT ID for tables necessary for sign-in. Target All All MS SQL Server All Task : Running the Microsoft Conversion Report This step runs CONVERSION-AUDIT.SQL, which audits for all unconverted fields. You will review the output in a later step. Target All All MS SQL Server All Task : Validating the Oracle This step runs the DBSETTINGS.SQL script, which queries the database to determine the value of the NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS parameter. You will review the output in a later step. There are two possible conversions that may occur depending on whether or not the database is Unicode. The Long to LOB conversion will apply to all databases, Unicode or ANSI. CHARACTER LENGTH SEMANTICS (CLS) only applies to Unicode databases. The CLS conversion has a dependency on the init.ora parameter NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS. The init.ora parameter NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS=CHAR, must be enabled for PeopleSoft Unicode databases prior to executing the conversion. If the database being converted is ANSI, then this setting is not necessary. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 39

40 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade Chapter 1 Task : Creating Oracle Audit Tables This step runs PRECNVADT1A.SQL, which drops and re-creates some temporary tables required by the preconversion audit SQRs. If the tables being dropped, CHECK_CONSTRAINTS, DUPLICATE_CONSTRAINTS, and DROP_CONSTRAINTS, don't exist, the execution of this script will generate the following error, which can safely be ignored: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist Task : Auditing Duplicate Length Constraints This step runs PRECNVADT1.SQR, which checks for duplicate length constraints. This condition can generally exist if the database was created using the Oracle Import utility and CONSTRAINTS=Y was enabled, which is the default setting. You will review the output in a later step. Note. If this SQR needs to be rerun for any reason, you must run PRECNVADT1A.SQL before rerunning PRECNVADT1.SQR. Task : Auditing Disabled Constraints This step runs PRECNVADT2.SQR, which checks for 'not_validated' constraints. Although this condition should not exist in a production database, it may have occurred if data was imported with external utilities, such as SQL Loader. You will review the output in a later step. 40 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

41 Chapter 1 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade Task : Reviewing Oracle Settings The data type conversion is only supported for Oracle 9i or later when you are upgrading to PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.54 or later on a PeopleTools system database. If you are using a delivered PeopleSoft application database, you should not run this conversion as part of this upgrade. Do not perform the rest of this task if you do not meet the qualifications. For Unicode databases, examine the log file from the step Auditing Duplicate Length Constraints. If there are any duplicate length constraints, those duplicate constraints must be dropped. Run the utility SQL script, PS_HOME SCRIPTSGENDROPDUPCONSTRAINTS.SQL, to generate the script DROPDUPCONSTRAINTS.SQL, containing an ALTER TABLE TABLE_NAME DROP CONSTRAINT for every duplicate constraint found. Run the DROPDUPCONSTRAINTS.SQL to resolve the duplicate length constraints. For Unicode databases, examine the log file from the step Auditing Disabled Constraints. If there are any disabled or invalidated constraints, these constraints should be validated again. Run the utility SQL script, PS_HOME SCRIPTSGENREVALIDATECONSTRAINTS.SQL to generate the script REVALIDATECONSTRAINTS.SQL, containing an ALTER TABLE TABLE_NAME ENABLE VALIDATE CONSTRAINT CONSTRAINT_NAME for every invalid constraint found. Run the REVALIDATECONSTRAINTS.SQL to enable the constraints. For Unicode databases, examine the log file from the step Validating the Oracle to determine whether the values in the init.ora file are set properly. For Unicode databases, the NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS parameter needs to have a value of CHAR. This indicates that CHARACTER LENGTH SEMANTICS is enabled and the conversion can continue. If you need to enable Character Length Semantics, work with your database administrator to modify the init.ora for the Target database's SID and set NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS to CHAR. Then stop and restart the database SID for the setting to take effect. Note. The NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS parameter should be set to CHAR only at this point in the upgrade, and should not be set to CHAR earlier in the upgrade. If it is set at the time of database creation, the data type conversion scripts will fail with an ORA error due to the existence of functional indexes on the table. Task : Generating Oracle Conversion Scripts Work with your database administrator to set the following init.ora parameters for the Target database's system identifier (SID). Stop and restart the database SID for the following settings to take effect: Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 41

42 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade Chapter 1 1. Set the following init.ora parameters: db_block_size=8192 db_cache_size= db_file_multiblock_read_count=8 job_queue_processes=10 shared_pool_size= pga_aggregate_target= parallel_max_servers=8 workarea_size_policy=auto Note. If you are using Oracle or higher, you may use the parameters SGA_TARGET=300M and SGA_MAX_SIZE=350M instead of SHARED_POOL_SIZE, DB_CACHE_SIZE, and DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS. 2. Pre-allocate the PSTEMP tablespace to at least 10 GB. 3. Pre-allocate the PSDEFAULT tablespace to at least 2 GB with 10-MB local uniform extents. 4. Ensure that you have at least six redo logs sized at 500 MB each. The Oracle data types script generation program is a Java program that connects to an Oracle database. The prerequisites are Java and the Oracle JDBC Drivers. The Java JDK required for this conversion program to run (Version 1.5) will automatically be picked up by the.bat file if the PS_HOME environment variable is set. Note. When setting environment variables or directories to reference paths, if any of your paths contain spaces, they will need to be wrapped in double quotes; for example, SET PS_HOME = 'PS_HOME_location'. To verify whether the PS_HOME environment variable is set: 1. At the workstation command prompt, enter the following: echo %PS_HOME%; This should return a path, for example: c:psoftpt If the PS_HOME environment variable is not set, then set it in the command prompt window by entering the following at the workstation command prompt: SET PS_HOME=PS_Home_location The Oracle JDBC drivers will automatically be picked up by the.bat file provided that the %ORACLE_HOME% environment variable is set. To verify whether the ORACLE_HOME environment variable is set: 1. At the workstation command prompt, enter the following: echo %ORACLE_HOME%; This should return a path, for example: 42 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

43 Chapter 1 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade c:oracleproduct10.2.0client_1; 2. If the ORACLE_HOME environment variable is not set, then set it in the command prompt window by entering the following at the workstation command prompt: SET ORACLE_HOME=Oracle_Home_location The Oracle data types script generation program is executed using the PS_HOME utilitypsoradatatypesconversion.bat file, which requires six input parameters: THREADS: The number of Java threads that the conversion script generation creates to produce the scripts. Oracle recommends 10 threads for running this program on Windows. ACCESSID: The access ID for the database to be converted. ACCESSIDPW: The access password for the database to be converted. DBNAME: The database name. OUTPUTDIR: A directory path to redirect the generated conversion scripts to a user-specified directory. This must be set to the PeopleSoft Change Assistant output directory for your upgrade pass. PeopleSoft Change Assistant will run the generated scripts later in the upgrade. ORACLEVERSION: The version of Oracle Connectivity that you are using (11 or 12). Example: PS_HOMEutilityPSORADataTypesConversion.bat 10 SYSADM SYSADM MYDB c: upgradeoutputchange_assistant_job_directory 11 In the example command line above: THREADS = 10 ACCESSID = SYSADM ACCESSIDPW = SYSADM DBNAME = MYDB OUTPUTDIR = c:upgradeoutputchange_assistant_job_directory ORACLEVERSION = 11 Open a command prompt window on the client workstation and execute the Oracle data types script generation program PS_HOMEutilityPSORADataTypesConversion.bat. The program will display and write a log (PsOraCnv.log) to the directory specified by the OUTPUTDIR parameter indicating the status of the conversion program. Review PsOraCnv.log and ensure that the conversion scripts were generated cleanly. For ANSI databases, only LONGTOLOBALTER conversion scripts are generated. For Unicode databases, four sets of scripts are generated: LONGTOLOBALTER conversion scripts, CLSDROPINDEXES scripts, CHARACTERLENGTHSEMANTICSALTER scripts, and CLSREBUILDINDEXES scripts. After successfully running the conversion program, verify that the generated SQL scripts are located in the staging PeopleSoft Change Assistant output directory for your upgrade pass. Later in the upgrade, PeopleSoft Change Assistant will automatically run the SQL scripts later in the upgrade from the PeopleSoft Change Assistant output directory for your upgrade pass. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 43

44 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade Chapter 1 Task : Running Long to LOB Script 1 This step runs LONGTOLOBALTER1.SQL, which was generated using PSORADataTypesConversion.bat. The Oracle long to LOB conversion scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Task : Running Long to LOB Script 2 This step runs LONGTOLOBALTER2.SQL, which was generated using PSORADataTypesConversion.bat. The Oracle long to LOB conversion scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Task : Running Long to LOB Script 3 This step runs LONGTOLOBALTER3.SQL, which was generated using PSORADataTypesConversion.bat. The Oracle long to LOB conversion scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. 44 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

45 Chapter 1 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade Task : Running Long to LOB Script 4 This step runs LONGTOLOBALTER4.SQL, which was generated using PSORADataTypesConversion.bat. The Oracle long to LOB conversion scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Task : Running Long to LOB Script 5 This step runs LONGTOLOBALTER5.SQL, which was generated using PSORADataTypesConversion.bat. The Oracle long to LOB conversion scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Task : Running Long to LOB Script 6 This step runs LONGTOLOBALTER6.SQL, which was generated using PSORADataTypesConversion.bat. The Oracle long to LOB conversion scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Task : Running Long to LOB Script 7 This step runs LONGTOLOBALTER7.SQL, which was generated using PSORADataTypesConversion.bat. The Oracle long to LOB conversion scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 45

46 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade Chapter 1 Task : Running Long to LOB Script 8 This step runs LONGTOLOBALTER8.SQL, which was generated using PSORADataTypesConversion.bat. The Oracle long to LOB conversion scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Task : Auditing the Long to LOB Conversion This step runs L2LAUDIT.SQR to report on the output of the long to LOB conversion. You will review the report output in a later step. Task : Running CLS Drop Indexes Script 1 This step runs CLSDROPINDEXES1.SQL, which was generated using PSORADataTypesConversion.bat. All of the indexes in the script must be successfully dropped before altering tables. The drop indexes scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. 46 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

47 Chapter 1 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade Task : Running CLS Drop Indexes Script 2 This step runs CLSDROPINDEXES2.SQL, which was generated using PSORADataTypesConversion.bat. All of the indexes in the script must be successfully dropped before altering tables. The drop indexes scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Task : Running CLS Drop Indexes Script 3 This step runs CLSDROPINDEXES3.SQL, which was generated using PSORADataTypesConversion.bat. All of the indexes in the script must be successfully dropped before altering tables. The drop indexes scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Task : Running CLS Drop Indexes Script 4 This step runs CLSDROPINDEXES4.SQL, which was generated using PSORADataTypesConversion.bat. All of the indexes in the script must be successfully dropped before altering tables. The drop indexes scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Task : Running CLS Drop Indexes Script 5 This step runs CLSDROPINDEXES5.SQL, which was generated using PSORADataTypesConversion.bat. All of the indexes in the script must be successfully dropped before altering tables. The drop indexes scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 47

48 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade Chapter 1 Task : Running CLS Drop Indexes Script 6 This step runs CLSDROPINDEXES6.SQL, which was generated using PSORADataTypesConversion.bat. All of the indexes in the script must be successfully dropped before altering tables. The drop indexes scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Task : Running CLS Drop Indexes Script 7 This step runs CLSDROPINDEXES7.SQL, which was generated using PSORADataTypesConversion.bat. All of the indexes in the script must be successfully dropped before altering tables. The drop indexes scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Task : Running CLS Drop Indexes Script 8 This step runs CLSDROPINDEXES8.SQL, which was generated using PSORADataTypesConversion.bat. All of the indexes in the script must be successfully dropped before altering tables. The drop indexes scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. 48 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

49 Chapter 1 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade Task : Running Character Length Script 1 This step runs CHARACTERLENGTHSEMANTICSALTER1.SQL, which was generated using PSORADataTypesConversion.bat. The Oracle character length semantics conversion scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Task : Running Character Length Script 2 This step runs CHARACTERLENGTHSEMANTICSALTER2.SQL, which was generated using PSORADataTypesConversion.bat. The Oracle character length semantics conversion scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Task : Running Character Length Script 3 This step runs CHARACTERLENGTHSEMANTICSALTER3.SQL, which was generated using PSORADataTypesConversion.bat. The Oracle character length semantics conversion scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 49

50 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade Chapter 1 Task : Running Character Length Script 4 This step runs CHARACTERLENGTHSEMANTICSALTER4.SQL, which was generated using PSORADataTypesConversion.bat. The Oracle character length semantics conversion scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Task : Running Character Length Script 5 This step runs CHARACTERLENGTHSEMANTICSALTER5.SQL, which was generated using PSORADataTypesConversion.bat. The Oracle character length semantics conversion scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Task : Running Character Length Script 6 This step runs CHARACTERLENGTHSEMANTICSALTER6.SQL, which was generated using PSORADataTypesConversion.bat. The Oracle character length semantics conversion scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. 50 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

51 Chapter 1 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade Task : Running Character Length Script 7 This step runs CHARACTERLENGTHSEMANTICSALTER7.SQL, which was generated using PSORADataTypesConversion.bat. The Oracle character length semantics conversion scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Task : Running Character Length Script 8 This step runs CHARACTERLENGTHSEMANTICSALTER8.SQL, which was generated using PSORADataTypesConversion.bat. The Oracle character length semantics conversion scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Task : Running CLS Rebuild Indexes Script 1 This step runs CLSREBUILDINDEXES1.SQL, which was generated using PSORADataTypesConversion.bat. The table alters must have successfully run prior to rebuilding indexes. The rebuild indexes scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 51

52 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade Chapter 1 Task : Running CLS Rebuild Indexes Script 2 This step runs CLSREBUILDINDEXES2.SQL, which was generated using PSORADataTypesConversion.bat. The table alters must have successfully run prior to rebuilding indexes. The rebuild indexes scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Task : Running CLS Rebuild Indexes Script 3 This step runs CLSREBUILDINDEXES3.SQL, which was generated using PSORADataTypesConversion.bat. The table alters must have successfully run prior to rebuilding indexes. The rebuild indexes scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Task : Running CLS Rebuild Indexes Script 4 This step runs CLSREBUILDINDEXES4.SQL, which was generated using PSORADataTypesConversion.bat. The table alters must have successfully run prior to rebuilding indexes. The rebuild indexes scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. 52 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

53 Chapter 1 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade Task : Running CLS Rebuild Indexes Script 5 This step runs CLSREBUILDINDEXES5.SQL, which was generated using PSORADataTypesConversion.bat. The table alters must have successfully run prior to rebuilding indexes. The rebuild indexes scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Task : Running CLS Rebuild Indexes Script 6 This step runs CLSREBUILDINDEXES6.SQL, which was generated using PSORADataTypesConversion.bat. The table alters must have successfully run prior to rebuilding indexes. The rebuild indexes scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Task : Running CLS Rebuild Indexes Script 7 This step runs CLSREBUILDINDEXES7.SQL, which was generated using PSORADataTypesConversion.bat. The table alters must have successfully run prior to rebuilding indexes. The rebuild indexes scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 53

54 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade Chapter 1 Task : Running CLS Rebuild Indexes Script 8 This step runs CLSREBUILDINDEXES8.SQL, which was generated using PSORADataTypesConversion.bat. The table alters must have successfully run prior to rebuilding indexes. The rebuild indexes scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Task : Auditing Character Length Semantics This step runs CLSAUDIT.SQR to report on the output of the character length semantics conversion. You will review the report output in a later step. Task : Reviewing Conversion Reports To review the conversion report for Microsoft, examine the log file from the step 'Running the Microsoft Conversion Report.' It contains a list of unconverted columns on tables along with its old data type. Fields on tables with no PeopleSoft Application Designer definition will be included in this log. Any unresolved errors from the step 'Running the Microsoft Conversion Script' will also be included. If you are using these tables, it is possible to update them manually to use the new data types with a SQL query tool or with an ETL tool. Be very cautious when changing a table, as this could result in data loss or affected functionality. Once any underlying problems have been resolved, you may rerun all of the previous steps in this task to reconvert any remaining objects listed by the audit report. 54 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

55 Chapter 1 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade To review the conversion reports for Oracle, examine the log files from running the LONGTOLOBALTER*.SQL scripts. If the database is Unicode, also examine the log files for the CHARACTERLENGTHSEMANTICS*.SQL scripts. Review the output from the step 'Auditing the Long to LOB Conversion.' L2LAUDIT.SQR reports on any unconverted long raw columns. The table name, column name, and column data type are listed. For Unicode databases, review the output from the step 'Auditing Character Length Semantics.' CLSAUDIT.SQR reports on any unconverted character length columns (Unicode only). Correct any errors listed on the log files or conversion reports before proceeding with the upgrade. You can manually convert any tables listed in the audit, or resolve errors that led to the unconverted columns and rerun the conversion. Target All All MS SQL Server Oracle All Task : Updating Options This step runs UPGDBOPTIONS_ENABLE.SQL. This script updates the database to indicate that the new data types are now enabled. Target All All MS SQL Server Oracle All Task : Creating the Oracle VARCHAR2 Conversion Project In this step, you create an empty PTUPGVARCHARTOLOB project. This project will be used in the data type conversion to convert any records containing fields with lengths between 1334 and 4000 to CLOB data types. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 55

56 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade Chapter 1 Task : Populating the Oracle VARCHAR2 Conversion Project This step runs PTUPGVARCHARTOLOB_POPULATE.SQL, which populates the PTUPGVARCHARTOLOB project with the records containing recfields with lengths between 1334 and These fields need to be converted from VARCHAR2 to CLOB. Task : Generating the Oracle VARCHAR2 Conversion Script This step generates the SQL script PTUPGVARCHARTOLOB_ALTER.SQL to alter the records in the PTUPGVARCHARTOLOB project. The generated script will alter the tables with the new data types. Task : Editing the Oracle VARCHAR2 Conversion Script In this step, you edit the PTUPGVARCHARTOLOB_ALTER.SQL script for tablespace names and sizing. If you are not using the PeopleSoft tablespace names, you need to review and modify the script created previously in the step 'Generating the Oracle VARCHAR2 Conversion Script.' Have your database administrator review these scripts and modify the tablespace names appropriately. The script can be found in your PeopleSoft Change Assistant output directory for this upgrade pass. Task : Running the Oracle VARCHAR2 Conversion Script This step runs the PTUPGVARCHARTOLOB_ALTER.SQL script. This will alter the existing tables to use the new data types. 56 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

57 Chapter 1 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade Task 1-8: Creating Updated Release Scripts This section discusses: Understanding Updated Release Script Creation Running a DBTSFIX Report Editing DBTSFIX Output Scripts Understanding Updated Release Script Creation In this task you make manual modifications to release scripts delivered with your new PeopleSoft release. You must make the following modifications before proceeding with the remainder of your upgrade. Task 1-8-1: Running a DBTSFIX Report The DBTSFIX.SQR script aligns the tablespaces in the delivered release scripts with the Target database used during the upgrade. This process generates new release scripts, conforming to the RELxxxDBTSFIX.SQL naming convention that you run in a later task. Run this script to preserve your existing table-to-tablespace mapping in the Target database. The result of this task will be a RELxxxDBTSFIX.SQL script in which xxx represents a release number (for example, 849, 850, 851, and so on) associated with your particular path. Important! Do not run the new release script at this point. You will be instructed to run this script later in the upgrade process. Target All All Oracle DB2 LUW DB2 z/os All Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 57

58 Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade Chapter 1 Task 1-8-2: Editing DBTSFIX Output Scripts Edit the generated RELxxxDBTSFIX scripts according to the comments within each script. Verify that the data definition language (DDL) is accurate for your environment for tablespaces, database names, owner IDs, and so forth. The scripts can be found in your PeopleSoft Change Assistant output directory for this upgrade path. Warning! Do not run output scripts at this time. At this point in the upgrade process, you must only review the DBTSFIX output scripts. Note. If you are a DB2 z/os customer, when you upgrade from one PeopleSoft release to the next, it is possible to move tables from a tablespace using a 4-KB buffer pool to one using a 32-KB buffer pool. The tablespaces PSIMAGE, PSIMGR, and PSIMAGE2 use 32-KB buffer pools in Oracle-delivered applications. To maintain the tablespace schema used at your site, the DBTSFIX.SQR script will revise the upgrade scripts with the database and tablespace information from your database (the Target database). Tables assigned to tablespaces PSIMAGE, PSIMGR, or PSIMAGE2 in the upgrade scripts are the exception to this approach. Note that Oracle has reassigned some tables to PSIMAGE2 because they now require a 32-KB buffer pool. You must manually edit the 'Create Table' statements in the upgrade scripts to replace the tablespace name PSIMAGE, PSIMGR, or PSIMAGE2 with an appropriate tablespace name in your implementation that utilizes a 32-KB buffer pool. For DB2 z/os customers, the database name must also be replaced with the value corresponding to the tablespace that you are using. Target All All Oracle DB2 LUW DB2 z/os All 58 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

59 Chapter 2 Preparing Your for Upgrade This chapter discusses: Understanding Preparation Updating Statistics Running Initial Audit Reports Reviewing Table Row Counts Preparing Your Dropping PeopleTools Tables Understanding Preparation In this chapter, you start preparations for the technical portion of the upgrade. Preparation tasks include updating statistics, cleaning audits, and running and reviewing pre-upgrade reports. These tasks do not use the new installed PeopleSoft version. Use your current codeline and PeopleSoft PeopleTools version to perform these tasks. Task 2-1: Updating Statistics This section discusses: Understanding Updating Statistics Running Initial Update Statistics for DB2 zos Generating the Initial RUNSTATS Report for DB2 LUW Running Initial Update Statistics for DB2 LUW Generating Initial Update Stats Script for Oracle Running Initial Update Statistics for Oracle Running Initial Update Statistics for Microsoft Understanding Updating Statistics This task updates statistics on your Target database to improve the performance of your compare and copy processes. Later in the upgrade, your statistics will be updated again due to changes in the database structure. See Getting Started on Your PeopleTools Upgrade, Appendix: 'Improving Performance.' Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 59

60 Preparing Your for Upgrade Chapter 2 Task 2-1-1: Running Initial Update Statistics for DB2 zos Contact your database administrator to have the statistics updated on your DB2 zos database before proceeding with your upgrade. Target All All DB2 z/os All Task 2-1-2: Generating the Initial RUNSTATS Report for DB2 LUW This script creates the RUNSTATS.DAT file for the script to update the statistics for DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows. Target All All DB2 LUW All Task 2-1-3: Running Initial Update Statistics for DB2 LUW This step runs RUNSTATS.SQL to update statistics on your DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows database. Target All All DB2 LUW All Task 2-1-4: Generating Initial Update Stats Script for Oracle This step runs the PTGENTABSTATS.SQL script to create the PTUPDTABSTATS.SQL script. PTUPDTABSTATS.SQL will be run in the next step to update statistics on your Oracle database for populated PeopleSoft tables. 60 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

61 Chapter 2 Preparing Your for Upgrade Task 2-1-5: Running Initial Update Statistics for Oracle This step runs the PTUPDTABSTATS.SQL script, which was generated in the previous step. This script updates statistics on your Oracle database for populated PeopleSoft tables in order to improve the performance of the compare and copy processes. Task 2-1-6: Running Initial Update Statistics for Microsoft This step runs the UPDSTATS.SQL script to update statistics on your Microsoft SQL Server database to improve the performance of the compare and copy processes. Target All All Microsoft SQL Server All Task 2-2: Running Initial Audit Reports This section discusses: Understanding Running Initial Audit Reports Running the Initial DDDAUDIT Report Running the Initial SYSAUDIT Report Running the Initial SYSAUD01 Report Running the Initial SWPAUDIT Report Creating the INITALTAUD Project Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 61

62 Preparing Your for Upgrade Chapter 2 Running the Initial Alter Audit Reviewing the Initial Audits Understanding Running Initial Audit Reports In this task, you run and review your initial DDDAUDIT, SYSAUDIT, SYSAUD01 (if applicable), SWPAUDIT, and Alter Audit reports. Running these reports ensures that your database is as clean as possible for the remainder of the upgrade. Task 2-2-1: Running the Initial DDDAUDIT Report DDDAUDIT is an SQR script that compares your production SQL data tables with the PeopleSoft PeopleTools record definitions to identify inconsistencies. In this step, DDDAUDIT is run using SQR from your current (old) PeopleSoft release against the Copy of Production to ensure that you are starting with a clean database. You will review the output from the report in a later step. See Reviewing the Initial Audits. See the PeopleTools: System and Server Administration PeopleBook for your current release. Task 2-2-2: Running the Initial SYSAUDIT Report SYSAUDIT is an SQR script used to identify 'orphaned' PeopleSoft objects. For example, SYSAUDIT can identify a module of PeopleCode that exists but does not relate to any other objects in the system. SYSAUDIT also identifies other inconsistencies within your database. In this step, SYSAUDIT is run using SQR from your current (old) PeopleSoft release against the Copy of Production to ensure that you are starting with a clean database. You will review the output from the report in a later step. See Reviewing the Initial Audits. See the PeopleTools: System and Server Administration PeopleBook for your current release. 62 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

63 Chapter 2 Preparing Your for Upgrade Task 2-2-3: Running the Initial SYSAUD01 Report PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display this step only if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools SYSAUD01 is an SQR script used to identify 'orphaned' PeopleSoft objects. SYSAUD01 also identifies other inconsistencies within your database. In this step, SYSAUD01 is run using SQR from your current (old) PeopleSoft release against the Copy of Production to ensure that you are starting with a clean database. You will review the output from the report in a later step. See Reviewing the Initial Audits. See the PeopleTools: System and Server Administration PeopleBook for your current release. Task 2-2-4: Running the Initial SWPAUDIT Report SWPAUDIT is an SQR script used to identify potentially 'orphaned' PeopleSoft objects in a multilingual database. For example, SWPAUDIT can identify a base and related-language record with mismatched key fields. This type of issue may cause inconsistent behavior between base and non-base language usage, or between preswapped and post-swapped databases. SWPAUDIT should be run against your database before you run the PeopleSoft Data Mover command SWAP_BASE_LANGUAGE. It can optionally be run again after a swap, or any time, to check database integrity in a multilingual context. If you are upgrading a database that has already been swapped, it is not mandatory to run SWPAUDIT again before proceeding with the upgrade. In this step, SWPAUDIT is run using SQR from your current (old) PeopleSoft release against the Copy of Production. You will review the output from the report in a later step. See Reviewing the Initial Audits. See the PeopleTools: Global Technology PeopleBook for your current release, 'Using Related Language Tables,' Swapping the Base Language. non-english Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 63

64 Preparing Your for Upgrade Chapter 2 Task 2-2-5: Creating the INITALTAUD Project In this step, you create the INITALTAUD project and use it to run your initial Alter Audit. Creating this new project now ensures that all of the records with the type Table in your system are audited. This project also includes any custom records that you created in your system. Task 2-2-6: Running the Initial Alter Audit To verify that the PeopleSoft PeopleTools definitions are synchronized with the underlying SQL data tables in your database, run the PeopleSoft PeopleTools alter record process on all records in your system. This process, called an Alter Audit, compares the data structures of your database tables with the PeopleSoft PeopleTools definitions to identify inconsistencies. The Alter Audit then creates SQL scripts with the data definition language (DDL) changes that are required to synchronize your database with the PeopleSoft PeopleTools definitions. Task 2-2-7: Reviewing the Initial Audits In this step, you review the audits that you performed earlier in this task. Review the audits before proceeding with the upgrade. Review the output from the SYSAUDIT, SYSAUD01 (if applicable), SWPAUDIT, and DDDAUDIT reports and correct any discrepancies. When application tables are deleted from PeopleSoft Application Designer, they are not automatically deleted from the system tables. Oracle takes this precaution in case you have customized information that you want to preserve. When you review your DDDAUDIT listing, these tables are listed as a discrepancy between the PeopleSoft application and the database. Now you must decide whether to drop these tables or retain them. In most cases, you will want to drop the tables, using your SQL tool to drop the tables from the system catalogs. If you have customized information or processes that access these tables, you may want to retain them in the system tables even though they will no longer be accessed or updated by the PeopleSoft system. Drop any unnecessary deleted tables now so that your future DDDAUDIT reports will be as clean as possible. The Alter Audit produces your named scripts from the previous step. These scripts contain SQL that corrects any discrepancies between your PeopleSoft PeopleTools record definitions and the database system catalog table definitions. Review the Alter Audit output and correct any discrepancies. 64 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

65 Chapter 2 Preparing Your for Upgrade Note. Triggers are always dropped and re-created during the alter process and will always show up in the generated Alter Audit script. You can ignore the generated script for triggers. Note. For Microsoft SQL Server and DB2 LUW platforms, if your database has tables containing the MSSCONCATCOL or DBXCONCATCOL column, you will see SQL alter the tables and re-create their associated indexes, even though the underlying tables and indexes may not have changed. Note. You will rerun the DDDAUDIT, SYSAUDIT, SYSAUD01 (if applicable), and SWPAUDIT SQR (if applicable) scripts later in the upgrade. If you want to preserve the log files generated by PeopleSoft Change Assistant from this run, you will need to rename the files manually after completing this task. See the PeopleTools: System and Server Administration PeopleBook for your current release. Task 2-3: Reviewing Table Row Counts You may find it helpful to run a report that identifies any table without rows; that is, any table not used in your production database. This information can help you determine whether to accept a change from the New Release Demo database. The UPGCOUNT process reports the row counts of all PeopleSoft tables in your database. You can find the resulting report, UPGCOUNT.LIS, in the TEMP directory specific to your machine. Task 2-4: Preparing Your This section discusses: Understanding Preparation Verifying Integrity Purging Message Queues Deleting DDDAUDIT Output Data Deleting Performance Monitor System Default Data Dropping Temporary Tablespaces Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 65

66 Preparing Your for Upgrade Chapter 2 Deleting Pagelet Wizard Data Manually Deleting Pagelet Wizard Data Understanding Preparation In this task, you perform a variety of steps in preparation for the PeopleSoft PeopleTools upgrade. These steps prevent errors in tasks later in the upgrade. Task 2-4-1: Verifying Integrity Have a database consistency check performed on your Target database to ensure that it is clean and to minimize any potential upgrade errors due to possible database corruption. Work with your database administrator to ensure that the check that is run is similar to the one shown for your database platform in the following table. This table lists database platforms and commands to run a database consistency check: Platform DB2 LUW Microsoft SQL Server Oracle Command db2dart DBCC CHECKDB dbv Target All All DB2 LUW MS SQL Server Oracle All Task 2-4-2: Purging Message Queues Ensure that all of your message transactions are complete before starting the upgrade. Message functionality and structure changed in the new release, which will prevent old messages from processing successfully. This step runs the following PeopleSoft Data Mover script (DMS), found in the PS_HOMESCRIPTS directory of your old release codeline, on your Copy of Production database to purge your message queues: APPMSGPURGEALL.DMS Warning! A script of the same name is found in the codeline of the release to which you are upgrading. Do not use this script; it will not run successfully. 66 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

67 Chapter 2 Preparing Your for Upgrade Task 2-4-3: Deleting DDDAUDIT Output Data PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display and run this step only if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools In this step, the PeopleTools table PS_PTUPGDDDOUTPUT is truncated to ensure the successful completion of your upgrade. Because the primary key index on this table changed in PeopleTools 8.54, the data stored in this table needs to be deleted to ensure that the index can be successfully created later in the upgrade. Task 2-4-4: Deleting Performance Monitor System Default Data PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display and run this step only if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.45 through In this step, the PeopleTools table PSPMSYSDEFAULTS is truncated to ensure the successful completion of your upgrade. Because a primary key index was added to this table as of PeopleTools 8.54, the data stored in this table needs to be deleted to ensure that the index can be successfully created later in the upgrade. Task 2-4-5: Dropping Temporary Tablespaces PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display this step only if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools In this step, you will drop temporary tablespaces prior to performing the PeopleSoft PeopleTools upgrade. If you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.51, drop the PSTBSPC and PSTBSP32 tablespaces, if they exist, from the PSPTDMO database, or from the database where the PeopleSoft PeopleTools tables are stored. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 67

68 Preparing Your for Upgrade Chapter 2 Target All All DB2 z/os All Task 2-4-6: Deleting Pagelet Wizard Data Manually PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display and run this step only if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.46, 8.47, 8.48, 8.49, 8.50, 8.51, or This step is only applicable if you have already upgraded your production application to PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.46 or later. In this step, you run a script to delete the common components Pagelet Wizard (PW) data to ensure that when the UPGPT846PP conversion program is run subsequently, the old existing common components PW data is not reentered into the PeopleSoft PeopleTools PW tables. If you do not run the script, then items that were removed from the PeopleSoft PeopleTools version of PW, but still exist in the common components version of PW, will be copied back into the PeopleSoft PeopleTools version when the UPGPT846PP conversion program is run. The script also updates the common component portal option tables with the existing values in the PeopleSoft PeopleTools portal options tables. If you do not run the script, then changes made to the current PeopleSoft PeopleTools options tables may be overwritten with values from the common components portal options when the UPGPT846PP conversion program is run. The affected values include the default registry prefix, default owner ID, and the default style sheet. Run the script only if both of the following conditions are met: Your current production application release database is already on PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.46 or later. The PS_EOPPB_LINKPATHS table exists on the Target database. If both of the above conditions are met, then run the following script: PTPPB_EOPPB.DMS Task 2-4-7: Deleting Pagelet Wizard Data PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display and run this step only if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.53 or later. This step is only applicable if you have already upgraded your production application to PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.46 or later and the table PS_EOPPB_LINKPATHS exists in your Target database. 68 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

69 Chapter 2 Preparing Your for Upgrade This step runs the PTPPB_EOPPB.DMS script to delete the common component Pagelet Wizard (PW) data to ensure that when the UPGPT846PP conversion program is run subsequently, the old existing common components Pagelet Wizard data is not re-entered into the PeopleTools Pagelet Wizard tables. The script also updates the common component portal option tables with the existing values in the PeopleTools portal options tables. If the PTPPB_EOPPB.DMS script doesn't run, then changes made to the current PeopleTools options tables may be overwritten with values from the common components portal options when the UPGPT846PP conversion program is run. The affected values include the default registry prefix, default owner ID, and the default style sheet. Task 2-5: Dropping PeopleTools Tables This section discusses: Understanding Dropping PeopleTools Tables Dropping the PS_PSMCFQUEUESLANG Table Dropping the PSOPTSTATUS Table Dropping PeopleSoft Update Manager Tables Understanding Dropping PeopleTools Tables In this task, you drop PeopleSoft PeopleTools tables to ensure the successful completion of your upgrade. Task 2-5-1: Dropping the PS_PSMCFQUEUESLANG Table PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display and run this step only if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.42 or In this step, the PeopleTools table PS_PSMCFQUEUESLANG is dropped to ensure the successful completion of your upgrade. The table does not contain data and can be safely dropped. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 69

70 Preparing Your for Upgrade Chapter 2 Task 2-5-2: Dropping the PSOPTSTATUS Table PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display and run this step only if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.45 or lower. In this step, the PeopleTools table PSOPTSTATUS is dropped to ensure the successful completion of your upgrade. The table will be converted into a view and can be safely dropped. Task 2-5-3: Dropping PeopleSoft Update Manager Tables PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display and run this step only if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools In this step, the PeopleTools tables PS_PTIACPTMPLTDEFN and PS_PTIACPTMPLTSTEP are dropped to ensure the successful completion of your upgrade. Neither table contains data and both can be safely dropped. Target All All DB2 LUW DB2 z/os MS SQL Server All 70 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

71 Chapter 3 Applying PeopleTools Changes This chapter discusses: Understanding PeopleTools Changes Preparing for the DB2 Data Type Conversion Performing Updates to PeopleTools System Tables Turning Off Change Control Loading Model Definition Data Loading Message Data Reviewing PeopleTools Objects Copying Projects Populating Tablespace Data Building the Updated PeopleTools Project Migrating Records to New Tablespaces Converting DB2 Data Types Loading Base Data Loading Language Data Loading PeopleTools Data Loading PeopleTools Definition Group Compiling Directive PeopleCode Converting PeopleTools Objects Creating All Views Converting Integration Broker Converting Integration Broker Objects Creating All Triggers Regenerating Sync IDs Clearing the Rowset Cache Creating Global Temporary Tables Rebuilding Oracle Indexes Synchronizing Objects Updating Object Version Numbers Converting Oracle Time Data Types Backing Up After the PeopleTools Upgrade Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 71

72 Applying PeopleTools Changes Chapter 3 Understanding PeopleTools Changes To implement a successful upgrade, you must apply the necessary PeopleSoft PeopleTools changes. This involves updating the following PeopleSoft PeopleTools features: system tables, copying and building projects, loading seed data, and converting objects. From this point forward, you run all steps using your newly installed version of the software. Note. Unless otherwise indicated, all scripts can be found in your new release PeopleSoft codeline PS_HOME SCRIPTS directory. The actual script name is indicated in the description of each step in uppercase letters. Task 3-1: Preparing for the DB2 Data Type Conversion This section discusses: Understanding the Conversion Preparation Editing the DB2 Data Type Conversion Script Running the DB2 Data Type Length Audit Reviewing the Initial Audits Before DB2 Conversion Understanding the Conversion Preparation In this task, you perform steps to prepare for the DB2 LOB data type conversion. You will edit scripts needed for the conversion, run audits to review data integrity for the conversion, and fix issues reported by the audits. PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display the steps in this task only if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.52 or earlier. Task 3-1-1: Editing the DB2 Data Type Conversion Script Edit the following SQL script and make the necessary modifications as documented in the script for the OWNERID: PTDB2LOBPOSAUDIT.SQL Target All All DB2 LUW All Task 3-1-2: Running the DB2 Data Type Length Audit This step runs LOBPRAUD.SQR, which lists the tables and fields where the average data length of the field in the table exceeds the PeopleSoft-defined field length of the Long Character field type. 72 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

73 Chapter 3 Applying PeopleTools Changes Target All All DB2 LUW All Task 3-1-3: Reviewing the Initial Audits Before DB2 Conversion Examine the log file from the previous step 'Running the DB2 Data Type Length Audit.' It contains a list of columns on tables where the average data length of the field in the table exceeds the PeopleSoft-defined field length of the Long Character field type. Fix the data contained in each field listed so that it is shorter than the PeopleSoft-defined field length before proceeding with the upgrade. After fixing the data, you may rerun all of the steps in this task to rerun this audit. Target All All DB2 LUW All Task 3-2: Performing Updates to PeopleTools System Tables This section discusses: Understanding Updating PeopleTools System Tables Cleaning Up Message Data Creating Tablespaces for DB2 Creating Tablespaces Updating System Catalog Views Updating PeopleSoft Roles Creating the Oracle Materialized Views Table Updating Additional PeopleSoft Roles Updating PeopleTools System Tables Granting Privileges to the CONNECT ID Encrypting Passwords Updating the for Timestamp Updating PeopleTools Patch Information Enabling the DB2 CAST Function Rerunning Update Statistics for DB2 zos Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 73

74 Applying PeopleTools Changes Chapter 3 Rerunning the RUNSTATS Report for DB2 LUW Rerunning Update Statistics for DB2 LUW Regenerating the Update Statistics Script for Oracle Rerunning Update Statistics for Oracle Understanding Updating PeopleTools System Tables In this task, you update your PeopleSoft PeopleTools system tables by running various scripts. Important! From this point forward, run all steps using the new release of PeopleSoft PeopleTools unless otherwise indicated. Task 3-2-1: Cleaning Up Message Data This step runs PTUPGIBDEL8xx.SQL, where xx represents the last two digits of the PeopleSoft PeopleTools release from which you are upgrading. Message functionality and structure changed as of PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.48, and the old data is obsolete. PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display and run this step only if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.47 or earlier. You must perform this step to clean out obsolete message data if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.47 or earlier. Task 3-2-2: Creating Tablespaces for DB2 PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display and run this step only if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.53 or earlier. This step runs the PTDDLUPG script, which builds new tablespaces as part of the upgrade to the new PeopleSoft release. Note. If you are a Unicode customer and you did not rename the PTDDLUPGU.SQL file when you edited the PTDDLUPG script, you must modify this step to run the PTDDLUPGU.SQL script. This file can be found in the PS_HOMESCRIPTS directory. See Editing the PTDDLUPG Script. 74 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

75 Chapter 3 Applying PeopleTools Changes Target All All DB2 LUW DB2 z/os All Task 3-2-3: Creating Tablespaces PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display and run this step only if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.53 or earlier. This step runs the PTDDLUPG script, which builds new tablespaces as part of the upgrade to the new PeopleSoft release. See Editing the PTDDLUPG Script. Task 3-2-4: Updating System Catalog Views This step runs the UPDOBJ.SQL script, which re-creates system catalog views that both PeopleSoft Data Mover and PeopleSoft PeopleTools use. Target All All MS SQL Server All Task 3-2-5: Updating PeopleSoft Roles PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display and run this step only if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.53 or earlier. This step runs the UPGGRANT.SQL script as the system user, which updates the PeopleSoft PSADMIN role. The UPGGRANT.SQL script assumes that you are using the PSADMIN role. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 75

76 Applying PeopleTools Changes Chapter 3 Task 3-2-6: Creating the Oracle Materialized Views Table PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display and run this step only if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.53 or earlier. This step runs the Oracle RDBMS script UTLXMV.SQL, which creates the MV_CAPABILITIES_TABLE for Materialized Views. Task 3-2-7: Updating Additional PeopleSoft Roles PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display this step if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.54 or earlier. Contact your database administrator to run the UPGGRANT_855.SQL script. Note. If you are using Oracle 11g or earlier, you should have marked this step as complete earlier in the upgrade. Do not run this step if you are using Oracle 11g or earlier. Task 3-2-8: Updating PeopleTools System Tables Release scripts are SQL scripts that modify the underlying table structure of a database so that it is compatible with a more recent PeopleSoft PeopleTools release. They are located in the PS_HOMESCRIPTS directory. Release scripts can be identified by their common naming standard, RELxxx.SQL, in which xxx designates a PeopleSoft PeopleTools release number. 76 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

77 Chapter 3 Applying PeopleTools Changes These release (REL) scripts alter and update your PeopleSoft PeopleTools tables to the current release. PeopleSoft Change Assistant determines which RELxxx scripts to run based on the PeopleSoft PeopleTools release of your upgrade database. If you created RELxxxDBTSFIX (in which xxx is a PeopleSoft PeopleTools release) earlier in your upgrade, the procedure will look at your Output folder and will know to run RELxxxDBTSFIX. If you did not run DBTSFIX, PeopleSoft Change Assistant will run RELxxx. Note. This step runs at least one script. Do not proceed to the next step until these scripts run successfully. See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Change Assistant and Update Manager for your new release. Task 3-2-9: Granting Privileges to the CONNECT ID This step runs the GRANT.SQL script. This script grants select access to the CONNECT ID for tables necessary for sign-in. Task : Encrypting Passwords PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display this step only if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.54 or earlier. This step runs ENCRYPT.DMS. This script encrypts passwords with the latest hashing scheme used in the current PeopleSoft PeopleTools release. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 77

78 Applying PeopleTools Changes Chapter 3 Task : Updating the for Timestamp This step runs PS_HOME/SCRIPTS/UPGDBOPTIONS_ENABLETIMESTAMP.SQL. This script updates the database to indicate that the new TIMESTAMP data types are now enabled. PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display and run this step only if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.49 or earlier. Task : Updating PeopleTools Patch Information This step runs PTPATCH.DMS, which updates your database with the version of the PeopleSoft PeopleTools patch being applied. Note. You only need to run this step if you are applying a PeopleSoft PeopleTools patch as part of the upgrade process. Task : Enabling the DB2 CAST Function This step runs UPGDB2DBOPTIONS_ENABLE.SQL, which updates the database to enable the conversion of the LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA data type to the BLOB data type. PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display and run this step only if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.52 or earlier. Target All All DB2 LUW All 78 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

79 Chapter 3 Applying PeopleTools Changes Task : Rerunning Update Statistics for DB2 zos Earlier in the upgrade process, you updated your statistics for DB2 z/os. Due to changes in the database structure, you must update statistics again to improve the performance of your compare and copy. Contact your database administrator to have the statistics updated on your database before proceeding with your upgrade. Target All All DB2 z/os All Task : Rerunning the RUNSTATS Report for DB2 LUW This script creates the RUNSTATS.DAT file for the script to update the statistics for DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows. Target All All DB2 LUW All Task : Rerunning Update Statistics for DB2 LUW Earlier in the upgrade process, you updated your statistics for DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows. Due to changes in the database structure, you must update statistics again to improve the performance of your compare and copy. This step runs RUNSTATS.SQL to update statistics on your database. Target All All DB2 LUW All Task : Regenerating the Update Statistics Script for Oracle This step runs the PTGENTABSTATS.SQL script in order to create the PTUPDTABSTATS.SQL script. PTUPDTABSTATS.SQL will be run in the next step to update statistics on your Oracle database for populated PeopleSoft tables. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 79

80 Applying PeopleTools Changes Chapter 3 Task : Rerunning Update Statistics for Oracle Earlier in the upgrade process, you updated your statistics for Oracle. Due to changes in the database structure, you must update statistics again to improve the performance of your compare and copy. This step runs the PTUPDTABSTATS.SQL script, which was generated in the previous step. This script updates statistics on your Oracle database for populated PeopleSoft tables. Task 3-3: Turning Off Change Control This task executes a SQL statement that turns off the Change Control feature to improve performance for the upgrade copy. One of the tasks for completing database changes will remind you to turn this feature on again, if you want to use it. See 'Completing Changes,' Reviewing Change Control. Task 3-4: Loading Model Definition Data This section discusses: Understanding Loading Model Definition Data Loading Model Definitions for DB2 zos Loading Model Definitions for DB2 LUW 80 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

81 Chapter 3 Applying PeopleTools Changes Loading Model Definitions for Oracle Loading Model Definitions for Microsoft Understanding Loading Model Definition Data In this task, you load model definition scripts for your database platform and populate DDL model definitions. This step runs the DDL model definition script applicable to your database platform. If required by your database platform, you modified this script in the task Performing Script Modifications, to use your site-specific information. See Performing Script Modifications. Task 3-4-1: Loading Model Definitions for DB2 zos This step runs the DDLDB2.DMS script to populate DDL model definitions for the DB2 z/os platform. Target All All DB2 z/os All Task 3-4-2: Loading Model Definitions for DB2 LUW This step runs the DDLDBX.DMS script to populate DDL model definitions for DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows. Target All All DB2 LUW All Task 3-4-3: Loading Model Definitions for Oracle This step runs the DDLORA.DMS script to populate DDL model definitions for the Oracle platform. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 81

82 Applying PeopleTools Changes Chapter 3 Task 3-4-4: Loading Model Definitions for Microsoft This step runs the DDLMSS.DMS script to populate DDL model definitions for the Microsoft SQL Server. Target All All MS SQL Server All Task 3-5: Loading Message Data This step runs the MSGTLSUPG.DMS script, which loads system messages in the message catalog. Task 3-6: Reviewing PeopleTools Objects Run this task to identify any PeopleSoft PeopleTools objects that you have customized. This task only identifies the customized PeopleSoft PeopleTools objects. You still must overwrite the customized objects with the new PeopleSoft PeopleTools definitions when you copy the project. During the upgrade process, you copy PeopleSoft PeopleTools objects into your database. PeopleSoft PeopleTools functionality, such as Security, is built using PeopleSoft PeopleTools objects, and it is possible that you could have modified the objects that make up a product like Security. Warning! Do not change the delivered PeopleSoft PeopleTools objects. The delivered objects are integral to the smooth operation of your system, and the modification of these objects could cause system instability. When you perform the copy of the PeopleSoft PeopleTools projects during the upgrade, you may overwrite modifications that you have made. Excluding any PeopleSoft PeopleTools-delivered objects from the upgrade may result in instability due to dependencies on specific objects. Note. If you are applying this PeopleSoft PeopleTools upgrade to your Demo database, you do not need to run this task. You will need to run this task when you are applying this upgrade to other environments. To review PeopleSoft PeopleTools objects: 1. Open the PPLTLS84CUR project on your Target database. a. Launch PeopleSoft Application Designer and sign in to the Target database. 82 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

83 Chapter 3 Applying PeopleTools Changes b. Select Tools, Compare and Report.., From File.. c. Navigate to PS_HOMEprojects and select the PPLTLS84CUR project. Note. It is OK to have the project definition overwritten by the project that is being copied from file. 2. Verify that all object types are selected. 3. Select Options. 4. Select a value for Target. 5. For Comparison, use one of these options: For Comparison by Release, select the highest release in the list. For Compare by Date, select a date. 6. Under Compare Languages, select Common and English. 7. If you have non-english languages loaded, select the other languages that are loaded into your database. 8. On the Report Options tab, deselect the Generate Output to Tables check box. 9. On the Report Filter tab, click Default. This will cause only customizations to appear on the compare reports. 10. Click OK. 11. Click Compare to start the compare process. 12. Evaluate the compare reports to identify whether the delivered objects conflict with any of your customizations. Note. To preserve the PPLTLS84CUR compare reports, you must perform one of the following actions: rename the reports, move the reports to a different folder, or reset the Compare Report Output Directory. To reset the Compare Report Output Directory, in PeopleSoft Application Designer, select Tools, Options. On the General tab, change the path specified for the Report Output Directory. You will overwrite the customized objects with the new PeopleSoft PeopleTools definitions when you copy the PeopleSoft PeopleTools projects in a later task. You must not make any modifications that will affect PeopleSoft PeopleTools objects when re-implementing your customizations after the upgrade. Task 3-7: Copying Projects This section discusses: Understanding Copying Projects Copying the PPLTLS84CUR Project Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 83

84 Applying PeopleTools Changes Chapter 3 Copying the PPLTLS84CURML Project Copying the PPLTLSML Project Copying the PPLTLS84CURDEL Project Copying the PATCH85X Project Copying the PATCH85XML Project Understanding Copying Projects In this task, you copy projects. The copy process overwrites all customizations, which can include configuration settings stored on the PeopleSoft PeopleTools objects. Oracle recommends that you verify the results of all copied projects. After a project has been copied, each object is identified with a check mark in the Done column. You can view these results from the Upgrade tab in PeopleSoft Application Designer. It is also recommended that you copy the PeopleSoft PeopleTools projects with the take action flags set as they originally were set when the database was delivered. See the product documentation for PeopleTools: PeopleSoft Application Designer Developer's Guide for your new release. Task 3-7-1: Copying the PPLTLS84CUR Project This process copies specified objects to the database that are necessary for the proper operation of PeopleSoft PeopleTools. The PPLTLS84CUR project contains all PeopleSoft PeopleTools objects that have been created or updated since PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.40 was released. Before the copy of records and fields, the upgrade process detects if the object definition exists or not. The PPLTLS84CUR project is delivered with an action of CopyProp to prevent the possible overwrites of custom field labels and recfields. When the upgrade process detects that a given field or record does not exist, it changes that action so that the entire definition can be copied. You can ignore any errors that you may receive at this time similar to the following examples: Changed Action from CopyProp to Copy, definition does not exist on target. Definition Name: OBJECTNAME not copied, entire definition already copied. These warnings occur because the PeopleSoft PeopleTools project contains fields along with their field label. This is necessary so that the software does not overwrite any customized field labels on PeopleSoft field objects. Task 3-7-2: Copying the PPLTLS84CURML Project This process copies language-specific PeopleSoft PeopleTools objects to the database that are necessary for the proper operation of PeopleSoft PeopleTools. 84 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

85 Chapter 3 Applying PeopleTools Changes Before the copy of records and fields, the upgrade process detects if the object definition exists or not. The PPLTLS84CURML project is delivered with an action of CopyProp to prevent the possible overwrites of custom field labels. When the upgrade process detects that a given field does not exist, it changes that action so that the entire definition can be copied. You can ignore any errors that you may receive at this time similar to the following example: Changed Action from CopyProp to Copy, definition does not exist on target. Definition Name: OBJECTNAME not copied, entire definition already copied. This warning occurs because the PeopleSoft PeopleTools project contains fields along with their field label. This is necessary so that the software does not overwrite any customized field labels on PeopleSoft field objects. Target All All All Canadian French Dutch German Italian Japanese Korean Portuguese Simplified Chinese Spanish Swedish Traditional Chinese Thai Task 3-7-3: Copying the PPLTLSML Project This process copies language-specific PeopleSoft PeopleTools objects to the database that are necessary for the proper operation of PeopleSoft PeopleTools. Before copying records and fields, the upgrade process detects whether the object definition exists. The PPLTLSML project is delivered with an action of CopyProp to prevent the possible overwrites of custom field labels and recfields. When the upgrade process detects that a given field or record does not exist, it changes that action so that the entire definition can be copied. You can ignore any errors that you may receive at this time similar to the following examples: Changed Action from CopyProp to Copy, definition does not exist on target. Definition Name: OBJECTNAME not copied, entire definition already copied. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 85

86 Applying PeopleTools Changes Chapter 3 These warnings occur because the PeopleSoft PeopleTools project contains fields along with their field labels. This is necessary so that the PeopleSoft system does not overwrite any customized field labels on PeopleSoft field objects. Target All All All Arabic Bulgarian Croatian Czech Danish Finnish French Greek Hebrew Hungarian Malay Norwegian Polish Romanian Russian Serbian Slovak Slovenian Turkish UK English Task 3-7-4: Copying the PPLTLS84CURDEL Project This process deletes specified PeopleSoft PeopleTools objects from your database. The copy process detects whether any deleted fields are in use on other objects, such as records. You may see the following kind of warning during the copy: Field FIELDNAME is in use on at least one record. You must clean up any objects that reference deleted fields after the upgrade. When the PeopleSoft PeopleTools upgrade process deletes a field, it no longer exists in the new release, but you may still have objects that reference the deleted field. After fixing any objects that reference the field, delete the field from your system. 86 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

87 Chapter 3 Applying PeopleTools Changes Task 3-7-5: Copying the PATCH85X Project This process copies specified objects to the database that are necessary for the proper operation of PeopleSoft PeopleTools. The PATCH85X project contains all PeopleSoft PeopleTools objects that have been updated in the patch. Earlier in the upgrade, you modified the step properties of this step with the appropriate patch project name. See 'Applying PeopleTools Changes,' Performing Script Modifications, Preparing for a PeopleTools Patch. Note. Perform this process only if you are applying a PeopleSoft PeopleTools patch that includes a database project. Check the patch documentation to verify whether a database project was delivered with the patch. See 'Installing the Software,' Installing the New Release. Task 3-7-6: Copying the PATCH85XML Project This process copies language-specific PeopleSoft PeopleTools objects to your database that are necessary for the proper operation of PeopleSoft PeopleTools. The PATCH85XML project contains all translatable PeopleSoft PeopleTools objects that have been updated in the patch. Earlier in the upgrade, you modified the step properties of this step with the appropriate patch project name and the appropriate languages. See 'Applying PeopleTools Changes,' Performing Script Modifications, Preparing for a PeopleTools Patch. Note. Perform this process only if you are applying a PeopleSoft PeopleTools patch that includes a database project. Check the patch documentation to verify whether a multilingual database project was delivered with the patch. See 'Installing the Software,' Installing the New Release. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 87

88 Applying PeopleTools Changes Chapter 3 Non-English Task 3-8: Populating Tablespace Data This section discusses: Populating Updated Tablespace Data Creating the DB2 Tablespace Audit Project Auditing DB2 Tablespace Assignments Updating Tablespace Names Updating DB2 Tablespace Assignments Task 3-8-1: Populating Updated Tablespace Data This step populates all tablespace information in the PSRECTBLSPC table. This step runs the SETSPACE.SQR script, which ensures that the correct tablespace information is populated for tasks later in the upgrade process. The values stored in the DDLSPACENAME field are updated with current values found in the system catalog for tables already defined in your database. If you modified tablespace names from the delivered names, this step makes those same changes in the PeopleSoft record definition. Target All All Oracle DB2 LUW DB2 z/os All Task 3-8-2: Creating the DB2 Tablespace Audit Project PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display this step only if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.53 or higher. This step creates the empty project PTUPGLOBDB2TS. This project will be populated in the next step, Auditing DB2 Tablespace Assignments, which runs the LOBDB2TS.SQR. 88 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

89 Chapter 3 Applying PeopleTools Changes Target All All DB2 LUW All Task 3-8-3: Auditing DB2 Tablespace Assignments PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display this step only if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.53 or higher. This step runs LOBDB2TS.SQR, which audits the tablespace information stored in the PeopleSoft system for records with Long, Image, or Attachment fields to make sure the tablespace has a sufficiently large page size. LOBDB2TS.SQR reports on any records in a tablespace with an insufficiently sized page size as well as any such records assigned to a nonexistent tablespace. Any problematic records are automatically reassigned to the PSIMAGE2 tablespace in the PeopleSoft PeopleTools metadata after running the SQR. These records are also inserted into the PTUPGLOBDB2TS project. If there are no records fitting this criteria, then both the SQR report and the project will be empty. Target All All DB2 LUW All Task 3-8-4: Updating Tablespace Names The SETSPACE.SQR script identifies the tables with an invalid tablespace or database name/tablespace combination. However, the PeopleSoft PeopleTools metadata tables in your Target database contain the database/tablespace values as delivered by Oracle. The SETSPACE.SQR corrects these values for those tables defined in DB2. For those tables that are defined in the PeopleSoft PeopleTools metadata tables, but have not been defined in DB2, you need to review the SETSPACE.SQR script for those tables that are reported as not defined in the database, but where the database/tablespace combination is valid. If the report shows an invalid database/tablespace combination, or shows Oracle-delivered tablespace names instead of your Target database and tablespace names, you can correct the database and tablespace names. Additionally, if you are upgrading from 8.53 or higher on DB2 LUW, review the output from the LOBDB2TS.SQR script in order to review the reassignment of any PeopleTools records with Long, Image, or Attachment field types to a tablespace with a sufficiently large page size. Any problematic records reported by the SQR were inserted into the PTUPGLOBDB2TS project for your convenience and automatically reassigned to the PSIMAGE2 tablespace. If there are no records fitting this criteria then both the SQR report and the project will be empty. To correct the database and/or tablespace names use one of the following options: Generate the alter/create scripts and globally edit the scripts, changing the database/tablespace values to those of your Target database. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 89

90 Applying PeopleTools Changes Chapter 3 Directly update the PSRECTBLSPC table with your Target database names before generating the alter/create scripts. This will ensure that the database name/tablespace names in the generated alter/create scripts will be correct. The syntax to update the PSRECTBLSPC table is as follows: UPDATE PSRECTBLSPC SET DBNAME = dbname, DDLSPACENAME = tablespace name WHERE DDLSPACENAME = tablespace identified in SETSPACE OUTPUT AND DBNAME = database identified in SETSPACE OUTPUT; If you are using the delivered tablespaces, you can omit the references to DDLSPACENAME in the SQL statement above. Target All All DB2 z/os DB2 LUW All Task 3-8-5: Updating DB2 Tablespace Assignments PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display this step only if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.52 or earlier. This step runs LOBEXAUD.SQR, which audits the tablespace information stored in the PeopleSoft system and, if needed, reassigns records to a platform-specific tablespace with a sufficiently large page size and buffer pool size. This is to ensure the success of any subsequent steps to create or alter tables. Tables that are updated will be reassigned to the PSIMAGE2 tablespace. LOBEXAUD.SQR reports on the old tablespace name and the table/record name for the records that are updated by the audit program. See 'Converting DB2 Data Types,' Understanding the DB2 Data Type Conversion. Target All All DB2 LUW All Task 3-9: Building the Updated PeopleTools Project This section discusses: Generating the Updated PeopleTools Script Editing the Updated PeopleTools Script Running the Updated PeopleTools Script 90 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

91 Chapter 3 Applying PeopleTools Changes Task 3-9-1: Generating the Updated PeopleTools Script This step generates the SQL script to create and alter records of the type Table that are delivered in the PPLTLS84CUR project. The tables are altered to add new columns, rename existing columns, and change columns that have modified properties, such as length, and delete columns. The script will also create new indexes, re-create modified indexes, and create triggers. The script name is: PPLTLS84CURTABLES.SQL Note. For DB2 z/os sites, if this step takes an exceptionally long time, performing a RUNSTATS on the system catalog tablespace SYSDBASE may improve performance. Task 3-9-2: Editing the Updated PeopleTools Script In this step, you edit the PPLTLS84CURTABLES.SQL script that was generated in the previous step for tablespace names and sizing. If you are running on a RDBMS platform that uses tablespaces, and you are not using the PeopleSoft tablespace names, have your database administrator review this script and modify the tablespace names appropriately. The script can be found in your PeopleSoft Change Assistant output directory for this upgrade path. Target All All DB2 z/os DB2 LUW Oracle All Task 3-9-3: Running the Updated PeopleTools Script This step runs the script you generated in this task to create all records of the type Table. This creates new table structures, alters existing PeopleSoft table structures, creates new indexes, re-creates modified indexes, and creates triggers. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 91

92 Applying PeopleTools Changes Chapter 3 Task 3-10: Migrating Records to New Tablespaces This section discusses: Understanding Record Migration to New Tablespaces Copying the PT84TBLSPC Project Building the Tablespace Alter Script Editing the Tablespace Alter Script Running the Tablespace Alter Script Understanding Record Migration to New Tablespaces In this task you migrate the tables delivered in the PT84TBLSPC project to the correct tablespaces. Prior to starting this task, you may find it useful to compare the PT84TBLSPC project to find out which tables were assigned to a different tablespace in the new release. Task : Copying the PT84TBLSPC Project This process copies the records that moved to different tablespaces in the new release of PeopleSoft PeopleTools. The upgrade copy options are set to Copy From Source for record DDL to pick up the new tablespace information. Target All All DB2 z/os DB2 LUW Oracle All Task : Building the Tablespace Alter Script This step generates the SQL script to alter records of the type Table that are delivered in the PT84TBLSPC project. The tables are altered to move them to the correct tablespaces for the new release of PeopleSoft PeopleTools. The script name is: 92 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

93 Chapter 3 Applying PeopleTools Changes TABLESPACEALTERTABLES.SQL Note. For DB2 z/os sites, if this step takes an exceptionally long time, performing a RUNSTATS on the system catalog tablespace SYSDBASE may improve performance. Target All All DB2 z/os DB2 LUW Oracle All Task : Editing the Tablespace Alter Script In this step, you edit the TABLESPACEALTERTABLES.SQL script for tablespace names and sizing. If you are running on an RDBMS platform that uses tablespaces, and you are not using the PeopleSoft tablespace names, you need to review and modify the scripts above. Have your database administrator review these scripts and modify the tablespace names appropriately. The script can be found in your PeopleSoft Change Assistant output directory for this upgrade path. Note. If you are a DB2 z/os customer, you must edit the scripts for database name regardless of whether you are using the delivered PeopleSoft tablespace names. Target All All DB2 z/os DB2 LUW Oracle All Task : Running the Tablespace Alter Script This step runs the TABLESPACEALTERTABLES.SQL script to move the tables to the new tablespaces. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 93

94 Applying PeopleTools Changes Chapter 3 Target All All DB2 z/os DB2 LUW Oracle All Task 3-11: Converting DB2 Data Types This section discusses: Understanding DB2 Data Type Conversion Creating the DB2 Conversion Project Populating the DB2 Conversion Project Generating DB2 Conversion Scripts Editing DB2 Conversion Scripts Altering DB2 Conversion Tables Creating DB2 Conversion Indexes Creating DB2 Conversion Triggers Auditing After the DB2 Conversion Reviewing DB2 Conversion Reports Disabling the DB2 CAST Function Understanding DB2 Data Type Conversion As of PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.53, LOB data types, as well as a length threshold for Long Character fields, are now supported on DB2 LUW. The data types as defined in PeopleSoft Application Designer are not changed; only the database-level definition will be different. Note. PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display the steps in this task only if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.52 or earlier. The following table lists DB2 LUW non-unicode data types that are available as of PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.53: PS Field Type Current Data Type Data Type as of PeopleTools 8.53 Long Character (0) LONG VARCHAR CLOB Long Character (n) n > 0, n<=2000 LONG VARCHAR VARCHAR(n) Image LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA BLOB 94 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

95 Chapter 3 Applying PeopleTools Changes PS Field Type Current Data Type Data Type as of PeopleTools 8.53 Attachment LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA BLOB The following table lists DB2 LUW Unicode data types that are available as of PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.53: PS Field Type Current Data Type Data Type as of PeopleTools 8.53 Long Character (0) LONG VARGRAPHIC DBCLOB Long Character (n) n > 0, n<=4000 LONG VARGRAPHIC VARGRAPHIC(n) Image LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA BLOB Attachment LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA BLOB Task : Creating the DB2 Conversion Project In this step, you create an empty PTUPGDB2LOBCONV project. This project will be used in the data type conversion. Target All All DB2 LUW All Task : Populating the DB2 Conversion Project This step runs PTUPGDB2LOBCONV.SQL, which populates the PTUPGDB2LOBCONV project. The project contains all of the records that need to be modified to use the newly supported data types. Target All All DB2 LUW All Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 95

96 Applying PeopleTools Changes Chapter 3 Task : Generating DB2 Conversion Scripts This step builds the PTUPGDB2LOBCONV project and generates the SQL scripts PTUPGDB2LOBCONV_ALTER.SQL, PTUPGDB2LOBCONV_INDEX.SQL, and PTUPGDB2LOBCONV_TRIGGER.SQL. The generated scripts will alter tables and re-create indexes and triggers for tables in the PTUPGDB2LOBCONV project. Target All All DB2 LUW All Task : Editing DB2 Conversion Scripts In this step, you edit the DB2 conversion scripts for tablespace names and sizing. If you are not using the PeopleSoft tablespace names, you need to review and modify the script created previously in the step 'Generating DB2 Conversion Scripts.' Have your database administrator review these scripts and modify the tablespace names appropriately. The script can be found in your PeopleSoft Change Assistant output directory for this upgrade pass. The script names for your upgrade path are: PTUPGDB2LOBCONV_ALTER.SQL PTUPGDB2LOBCONV_INDEX.SQL PTUPGDB2LOBCONV_TRIGGER.SQL In a Move to Production pass, you may encounter errors with dropping nonexistent temporary tables if the number of temporary table instances for a specific record decreased between passes. Modify the alter script as needed to remove any extra temporary table instances. Ensure that all corresponding LOB tablespaces exist, or reassign to another tablespace as needed. When the conversion scripts are generated, PeopleTools assumes that the matching LOB tablespaces exist for the base tablespace. Target All All DB2 LUW All Task : Altering DB2 Conversion Tables This step runs the PTUPGDB2LOBCONV_ALTER.SQL script. This will alter the existing tables to use the new data types. 96 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

97 Chapter 3 Applying PeopleTools Changes Target All All DB2 LUW All Task : Creating DB2 Conversion Indexes This step runs the PTUPGDB2LOBCONV_INDEX.SQL script. This will re-create the indexes for the tables being altered in the DB2 data type conversion. Target All All DB2 LUW All Task : Creating DB2 Conversion Triggers This step runs the PTUPGDB2LOBCONV_TRIGGER.SQL script. This will re-create the triggers for the tables being altered in the DB2 data type conversion. Target All All DB2 LUW All Task : Auditing After the DB2 Conversion This step runs the PTDB2LOBPOSAUDIT.SQL script that you created earlier in the upgrade. This audit verifies that all of the old data types were converted from LONG VARCHAR and LONG VARGRAPHIC to the new data types CLOB, DBCLOB, and BLOB. It also verifies whether any Long Character field in PSDBFIELD with a length less than the documented MAXLENGTH was converted to VARCHAR(n) or VARGRAPHIC(n). This audit will go against the system catalog for every single record in PSRECDEFN of the type Table or Temporary Table. For each of these records, it will check whether any column refers to the old data type. If it finds any table with old data types, it will add that record/table name and the column name to the report. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 97

98 Applying PeopleTools Changes Chapter 3 Target All All DB2 LUW All Task : Reviewing DB2 Conversion Reports Examine the log file from the step 'Auditing After the DB2 Conversion.' The file contains a list of unconverted columns on tables and any unresolved errors from the step 'Altering DB2 Conversion Tables,' 'Creating DB2 Conversion Indexes,' and 'Creating DB2 Conversion Triggers.' If you are using these tables, you can update them manually to use the new data types with an ETL or SQL query tool. Be very cautious when changing a table because this could result in data loss or affected functionality. Correct any errors listed on the log files or conversion reports before proceeding with the upgrade. You can manually convert any tables listed in the audit, or resolve errors that led to the unconverted columns, and rerun the conversion. Target All All DB2 LUW All Task : Disabling the DB2 CAST Function This step runs UPGDB2DBOPTIONS_DISABLE.SQL, which resets the database setting to use the LOB data types. Target All All DB2 LUW All Task 3-12: Loading Base Data These PeopleSoft Data Mover scripts (DMSs) initialize and modify the data in various PeopleSoft PeopleTools tables required for the system to execute properly. This step runs scripts conforming to the PTxxxTLS.DMS and PTxxxTLSyyy.DMS naming conventions, where xxx represents a PeopleSoft PeopleTools release number and yyy represents a three-letter language code, that are greater than your current PeopleSoft PeopleTools release. For some upgrades, no data scripts are required. In this case, PeopleSoft Change Assistant continues to the next step without producing a log file. 98 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

99 Chapter 3 Applying PeopleTools Changes Task 3-13: Loading Language Data This section discusses: Populating the Language Table Loading the Language Data Task : Populating the Language Table This step runs the PSLANGUAGES.DMS script. This script populates the PSLANGUAGES table with Verity Locale data and other language-specific data. Task : Loading the Language Data If your database has languages installed in addition to English, you must populate the PSLANGUAGES table. To load language data: 1. From the DMS that was created for your PeopleSoft 8.x database installation, find the UPDATE to PSLANGUAGES. The statement should look similar to the following: UPDATE PSLANGUAGES SET INSTALLED=1 WHERE LANGUAGE_CD = 'xxx'; 2. Run the SQL command identified above using your SQL tool. Your database is now updated with the language data. Note. If you have any custom languages defined, you will need to re-enter your custom language information back into PSLANGUAGES before completing the upgrade. See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Global Technology for your current release, 'Adding New Languages,' Adding New Language Codes to the System. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 99

100 Applying PeopleTools Changes Chapter 3 Non-English Task 3-14: Loading PeopleTools Data This section discusses: Loading Noncomparable Objects Loading English Messages Loading English String Data Loading Stored Statements Data Resetting the File Processing Functionality Task : Loading Noncomparable Objects This step runs the TLSUPGNONCOMP.DMS script. This script loads the TLSUPGNONCOMP project and all PeopleSoft PeopleTools-owned object definitions that cannot be delivered using Copy Project to File. Task : Loading English Messages This step runs the MSGTLENG.DMS script, which loads English messages into your database. 100 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

101 Chapter 3 Applying PeopleTools Changes Task : Loading English String Data This step runs the PTSTRENG.DMS script, which loads English string data into the STRINGS_TBL table. Note. The non-english language data was loaded in the task Loading Base Data. Task : Loading Stored Statements Data Loading the stored statements ensures that the dynamic SQL statements will work correctly with the delivered COBOL programs. This step runs the STOREPT.DMS script, which loads the dynamic SQL used by the PeopleSoft PeopleToolsdelivered COBOL. Task : Resetting the File Processing Functionality This step runs the PTFX_LIBON.DMS script, which resets the File Processing mode to the default value. Task 3-15: Loading PeopleTools Definition Group This task runs the PTDEFNSEC.DMS script that loads the PeopleTools definition security group. This ensures that the definition security group is updated with the PeopleTools objects introduced in this release. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 101

102 Applying PeopleTools Changes Chapter 3 Task 3-16: Compiling Directive PeopleCode PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display this task only if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.53 or later. This task compiles all directive PeopleCode. Task 3-17: Converting PeopleTools Objects This section discusses: Updating the REN Server Configuration Populating MCF Data Converting Portal Objects Encrypting Connector Passwords Loading Conversion Data Reporting Conversion Details Running PeopleTools Data Conversion Completing the PeopleTools Conversion 102 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

103 Chapter 3 Applying PeopleTools Changes Task : Updating the REN Server Configuration This step runs the Application Engine program UPGMCF843, which converts real-time event notification (REN) server configuration information to the new format. REN servers run in the application server domain. They are used for the PeopleSoft PeopleTools MultiChannel Framework (MCF) and Reporting Window output option. The program converts standard REN server configurations to the new format, including MCF cluster information. All REN server configuration information is now stored within the database. You must upgrade old REN server configurations before attempting to boot with the new version of PeopleSoft PeopleTools. If you did not have any REN servers configured prior to starting the upgrade, then the UPGMCF843 program does not make any changes. If one of your configurations cannot be converted, error messages will be written in the Application Engine message log. PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display and run this step only if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.42 or earlier. After running this step, you should also check the PSRENCONFIG.TXT file located in each application server domain that started an old REN server. (The file will not exist in domains that did not start a REN server.) Each old file should be replaced with the new template file located at PS_HOME/ APPSERV/REN/PSRENCONFIG.TXT. Old template files cannot be used with the new version of REN server. If you customized your old configuration files, manually edit the new files and update them with your customizations. Task : Populating MCF Data This step runs the Application Engine program MCF_UPGR_SND, which populates the PS_MCFEM_MAIL_DSCR table with data. In PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.44, the REPLY_TO header functionality was added. The field PS_MCFEM_MAIL_DSCR.MCF_REPLY_TO is populated with the values stored in PS_MCFEM_MAIL_MAIN.MCF_ _SENDER. PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display and run this step only if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.43 or earlier. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 103

104 Applying PeopleTools Changes Chapter 3 Task : Converting Portal Objects This step runs the Application Engine program UPG844PORTAL, which splits PSPRSMDEFN.PORTAL_URLTEXT into segments and stores them in separate columns: PORTAL_URI_SEG1, PORTAL_URI_SEG2, PORTAL_URI_SEG3, and PORTAL_URI_SEG4. This is performed for PeopleSoft Component URLs to extract values for Menu, Component, and Market. Values for Record, Field, Event, and Function Names are extracted from PeopleSoft URLs. PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display and run this step only if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.43 or earlier. There may be some errors or messages in your log. Following is a list of some of the errors and what to do about them: Not authorized CRef: Portal Object Name (95,5032). This means that you do not have proper privileges to run this conversion. You need to grant the user ID that you are using to upgrade Portal Administrator permissions. Security synchronization failed for Portal Object: Portal Object Name (96,61). This is not a fatal error. It may be caused by a content reference that contains invalid URL text and indicates that there was an internal error writing to the security table. The invalid URL text may be pointing to a component or script that does not exist in the database. You need to fix the content reference and then rerun the UPG844PORTAL process. Cref Portal Object Name points to Menu: Menu Name, Component Component Name which doesn't exist. (96,80). The content reference is pointing to an invalid Menu/Component combination. You need to fix the content reference so that it points at a valid Menu/Component combination and then rerun the UPG844PORTAL process. Duplicate key. Portal: Portal Name, Obj Name: Portal Object Name, Nodename: Node, URL: URL (133,4). This portal object has the same URL as another portal object. Delete or modify this object to remove the conflict and then rerun the UPG844PORTAL process. See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Portal Technology for your new release. Task : Encrypting Connector Passwords This step runs the Application Engine program UPGRDPASSWDS, which encrypts the password property field for the POP3Target, FTPTarget, GetMailTarget, and JMSTarget connectors. PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display and run this step only if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.43 or earlier. 104 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

105 Chapter 3 Applying PeopleTools Changes Task : Loading Conversion Data This step runs the PTUPGCONV.DMS script, which imports PeopleSoft PeopleTools data conversion Application Engine driver data into your database. Task : Reporting Conversion Details This step runs the PTUCONV.SQR script. It details which sections will be called by the Upgrade Driver program and what they are doing. Each of the upgrade data conversion sections contains comments that describe the processing done by the section. The information contained in the report is used to evaluate the conversions run in the next step and any actions that are required as a result of the conversion. Task : Running PeopleTools Data Conversion The Upgrade Driver Application Engine program, PTUPGCONVERT, runs additional PeopleSoft PeopleTools upgrade data conversions. The program then reads the table PS_PTUPGCONVERT, selecting all rows with the group number of 01 and ordering them by the sequence number on the row. A list of Application Engine library sections that must be run for data conversion is returned. The program then calls each section in the order of the sequence number. Review the output file generated in the previous step for more details on the conversions run in this step. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 105

106 Applying PeopleTools Changes Chapter 3 Task : Completing the PeopleTools Conversion The PeopleSoft PeopleTools Upgrade Driver Application Engine program, PTUPGCONVERT, runs additional PeopleSoft PeopleTools upgrade data conversions. The program then reads the table PS_PTUPGCONVERT, selecting all rows with a group number of 02 and ordering them by the sequence number on the row. A list of Application Engine library sections that must be run for data conversion is returned. The program then calls each section in the order of the sequence number. Review the report generated by PTUCONV.SQR for details on the conversions run in this step. Task 3-18: Creating All Views This section discusses: Understanding Creating All Views Re-Creating All Views Creating the ALLVIEWS Project Generating the Create Views Script Running the Create Views Script Understanding Creating All Views This task runs steps to re-create all views. Task : Re-Creating All Views This step runs CREATEVW.DMS to re-create all views in the Copy of Production database. The script will try to create every view in Application Designer. If there is an error on one view, it will keep going until it gets to the end of the list. 106 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

107 Chapter 3 Applying PeopleTools Changes Important! Review the log to find any views that failed to be created. All views should be created at this time, so those errors are not acceptable and should be corrected. Target All All DB2 z/os DB2 LUW MS SQL Server All Task : Creating the ALLVIEWS Project This step creates the ALLVIEWS project, which includes all records defined as a SQL view or query view. Task : Generating the Create Views Script This step builds the ALLVIEWS project in order to generate the SQL script ALLVIEWS_CRTVW.SQL. The generated script will create all records defined as a SQL view or query view. Note. For DB2 z/os, Oracle, and MSS platforms, the generated SQL script will also include the creation of any indexes defined on Materialized views. Task : Running the Create Views Script This script runs the generated script from the previous step. This will drop and re-create all records defined as a SQL view or query view. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 107

108 Applying PeopleTools Changes Chapter 3 Note. For DB2 z/os, Oracle, and MSS platforms, this step will also create any indexes defined on Materialized views. Important! Review the log to find any views that failed to be created. All views should be created at this time, so those errors are not acceptable and should be corrected. Task 3-19: Converting Integration Broker This section discusses: Understanding Converting Integration Broker Updating Integration Broker Defaults Creating Integration Broker Objects Saving Application Messaging Objects Exporting Node Transactions Preparing Integration Broker Deletes Deleting Application Messaging Objects Deleting Node Transactions Understanding Converting Integration Broker PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display and run the steps in this task only if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.47 or earlier. Task : Updating Integration Broker Defaults This step runs the PTIBUPGRADE.DMS script. This script populates the default values specified earlier in the upgrade. 108 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

109 Chapter 3 Applying PeopleTools Changes Task : Creating Integration Broker Objects The PeopleSoft PeopleTools Upgrade Driver Application Engine program, PTUPGCONVERT, runs additional PeopleSoft PeopleTools upgrade data conversions. The program then reads the table PS_PTUPGCONVERT, selecting all rows with a group number of 03 and ordering them by the row sequence number. A list of Application Engine library sections that must be run for data conversion is returned. The program then calls each section in the sequence number order. Review the report generated by PTUCONV.SQR for details on the conversions run in this step. Task : Saving Application Messaging Objects This step copies the PTUPGIBCLONE project to the PS_HOMEprojects directory. This project was created by the UPGPT848IBUG Application Engine program and contains objects that were successfully converted. The objects are copied to file as a precautionary measure because they will be deleted from the upgrade database. After running this step, save the exported project in a permanent location where it can be accessed post-upgrade in case there is a need to review or import the old objects. Task : Exporting Node Transactions This step runs PTUPG_TRX_EXPORT.DMS to save out the old preconversion node transaction data. The generated.dat file is written to the PeopleSoft Data Mover output directory defined in PeopleSoft Configuration Manager, which should be your PS_HOMEdata directory. After running this step, save PTUPG_TRX_EXPORT.DAT in a permanent location where it can be accessed post-upgrade in case there is a need to review or import the old objects. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 109

110 Applying PeopleTools Changes Chapter 3 Task : Preparing Integration Broker Deletes This step copies the PTUPGIBDELETE project to your PS_HOMEprojects directory in preparation for deleting the obsolete pre-conversion object definitions from the upgrade database. This project was created by the UPGPT848IBUG Application Engine program and contains the same objects as PTUPGIBCLONE. Task : Deleting Application Messaging Objects This step copies the PTUPGIBDELETE project definition from file. Since the actions in the project are set to Delete, this will delete the obsolete preconversion object definitions from the upgrade database. Task : Deleting Node Transactions This step runs PTUPG_TRX.DMS, which removes obsolete node transaction data associated with the obsolete objects in the PTUPGIBDELETE project. This script was generated by the UPGPT848IBUG Application Engine program. 110 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

111 Chapter 3 Applying PeopleTools Changes Task 3-20: Converting Integration Broker Objects In this task, the PeopleTools Upgrade Driver Application Engine program PTUPGCONVERT runs additional PeopleSoft PeopleTools upgrade data conversions. The program then reads the table PS_PTUPGCONVERT, selecting all rows with a group number of 04 and ordering them by the row sequence number. A list of Application Engine library sections that must be run for data conversion is returned. The program then calls each section in the sequence number order. Review the report generated by PTUCONV.SQR for details on the conversions that are run in this step. Task 3-21: Creating All Triggers This task uses a DMS to create all triggers. triggers are database objects that are used to update tables with version information for PeopleSoft Mobile and Optimization functionality. Task 3-22: Regenerating Sync IDs This task executes the AE_SYNCIDGEN Application Engine program to regenerate synchronization IDs. PeopleSoft PeopleTools uses synchronization IDs to give each row a unique identifier. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 111

112 Applying PeopleTools Changes Chapter 3 Task 3-23: Clearing the Rowset Cache This step runs CLEAR_ROWSET_CACHE.DMS, which removes RowsetCache objects from the database. The structure of RowsetCache objects may not be compatible across PeopleSoft PeopleTools releases. New RowsetCache objects will automatically be generated after the old RowsetCache objects have been cleared out. This will ensure proper operation of your application with the new PeopleSoft PeopleTools release. Task 3-24: Creating Global Temporary Tables This section discusses: Understanding Global Temporary Tables Creation Creating the Global Temporary Tables Project Filtering the Global Temporary Tables Project Generating the Global Temporary Tables Script Editing the Global Temporary Tables Script Running the Global Temporary Tables Script Understanding Global Temporary Tables Creation As of PeopleTools 8.54, Global Temporary tables are now supported on the Oracle database platform. With PeopleTools 8.53 or earlier, all temporary tables were created as regular temporary tables. Prior to the upgrade, you may have applied application maintenance to your database that included Global Temporary tables; these Global Temporary tables were created as regular temporary tables on your old release. These Global Temporary tables need to be re-created at this point in the upgrade in their correct format. PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display and run the steps in this task only if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.53 or earlier. If no records are defined as Global Temporary tables, PeopleSoft Change Assistant will automatically skip this task. 112 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

113 Chapter 3 Applying PeopleTools Changes See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Application Engine, PeopleTools: Data Management, and PeopleTools: PeopleSoft Application Designer Developer's Guide for more information on Global Temporary Tables. Task : Creating the Global Temporary Tables Project This step creates the UPG_GTT project and inserts all records of the type Temporary Table. Task : Filtering the Global Temporary Tables Project This step runs PS_HOME/SCRIPTS/UPG_GTT_FILTER.SQL. This script removes any temporary tables from the UPG_GTT project that do not have the Global Temporary table property selected. This ensures that only Global Temporary tables remain in the project. Task : Generating the Global Temporary Tables Script This step generates the UPG_GTT_CRTTBL.SQL script. This script drops and re-creates records of the type Temporary Table in the database that have the Global Temporary table property defined in Application Designer. Temporary tables are handled separately from records of the type Table. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 113

114 Applying PeopleTools Changes Chapter 3 Task : Editing the Global Temporary Tables Script In this step, you edit the UPG_GTT_CRTTBL.SQL script for tablespace names and sizing. If you are not using the PeopleSoft tablespace names, have your database administrator review and modify the UPG_GTT_CRTTBL.SQL script. The script can be found in your PeopleSoft Change Assistant output directory for this upgrade path. Warning! Ensure that the tablespaces used by these tables are appropriate for use by global temporary tables. Global temporary tables must utilize temporary tablespaces and cannot be placed in a regular tablespace. You may need to drop and re-create these tablespaces as temporary tablespaces to ensure the generated script can run successfully. Task : Running the Global Temporary Tables Script This step runs the PTTSTEMPTABS_CRTTBL.SQL script to re-create Global Temporary Tables. Task 3-25: Rebuilding Oracle Indexes This section discusses: Understanding Rebuilding Oracle Indexes Generating the Drop Descending Index Script Generating the Create Ascending Index Script Dropping Descending Indexes Setting the Ignore Descending Index Parameter Rebuilding Dropped Indexes Resetting the Ignore Descending Index Parameter 114 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

115 Chapter 3 Applying PeopleTools Changes Understanding Rebuilding Oracle Indexes PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display and run this task only if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.53 or earlier. As of PeopleTools 8.54, descending indexes are no longer supported on Oracle platforms. In this task you will convert any descending indexes to ascending indexes by running scripts that drop your descending indexes and re-create them as ascending indexes. Task : Generating the Drop Descending Index Script This step runs PS_HOME/SCRIPTS/POSTUPGDROPDESCINDEXES.SQL. This script generates PSDROPDESCINDEXES.SQL, which contains drop index statements for all indexes owned by the ACCESSID that contain the DESC clause. Task : Generating the Create Ascending Index Script This step runs PS_HOME/SCRIPTS/POSTUPGCREATEDESCINDEXES.SQL. This script generates PSCREATEDESCINDEXES.SQL, which contains create index statements for all indexes owned by the ACCESSID that previously contained the DESC clause. The indexes in the generated script will be created as ascending indexes. Task : Dropping Descending Indexes This step runs PSDROPDESCINDEXES.SQL, which drops all indexes owned by the ACCESSID that contain the DESC clause. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 115

116 Applying PeopleTools Changes Chapter 3 Task : Setting the Ignore Descending Index Parameter This step runs PS_HOME/SCRIPTS/POSTUPGSETDESCINDEXTRUE.SQL as the system user to set the _ignore_desc_in_index parameter to true. Task : Rebuilding Dropped Indexes This step runs PSCREATEDESCINDEXES.SQL, which re-creates all indexes owned by the ACCESSID that used to contain the DESC clause. These indexes are created as ascending indexes. Note. If any ascending indexes already exist on the table with an identical column list as a former descending index, then the index in the PSCREATEDESCINDEXES.SQL script will fail with an ORA error. In that case, you must manually determine which of the duplicate indexes needs to be retained versus deleted. Task : Resetting the Ignore Descending Index Parameter This step runs PS_HOME/SCRIPTS/POSTUPGSETDESCINDEXFALSE.SQL as the system user to reset the _ignore_desc_in_index parameter back to false. 116 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

117 Chapter 3 Applying PeopleTools Changes Task 3-26: Synchronizing Objects This section discusses: Understanding Object Synchronization Setting Index Attributes Setting Temporary Table Attributes Setting Table Attributes Understanding Object Synchronization This task runs steps to update and populate table attributes. Task : Setting Index Attributes This step runs SETINDEX.SQR, which updates index overrides stored in the PSIDXDDLPARM table. The values stored in the PARMVALUE field are updated with current values found in the system catalog. Target All All DB2 z/os All Task : Setting Temporary Table Attributes This step runs SETTMPIN.SQR, which populates the PeopleSoft PeopleTools table PSRECTBLSPC with the table name, database name, and tablespace name information for the temporary table instances created on the database in a previous step. This information will be required by processes that perform in-stream RUNSTATS (%UpdateStats) on the temporary table instances. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 117

118 Applying PeopleTools Changes Chapter 3 Target All All DB2 z/os All Task : Setting Table Attributes This step runs SETSPACE.SQR, which populates all tablespace information in the PSRECTBLSPC table. The values stored in the DDLSPACENAM field are updated with current values found in the system catalog. If you modified tablespace names from the delivered names, this step makes those same changes in the PeopleSoft record definition. Target All All Oracle DB2 LUW DB2 z/os All Task 3-27: Updating Object Version Numbers In this task, you run the VERSION Application Engine program. This ensures that all of your version numbers are correct and, if not, resets them to 1. Task 3-28: Converting Oracle Time Data Types This section discusses: Understanding Oracle Time Data Types Conversion Backing Up Before Converting Data Types Creating Conversion Audit Tables 118 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

119 Chapter 3 Applying PeopleTools Changes Auditing Date to Timestamp Conversion Creating the PTTSTEMPTABS Project Filtering the Timestamp Temporary Tables Project Building the Timestamp Temporary Tables Project Editing the Timestamp Temporary Tables Script Generating Timestamp Conversion Scripts Creating Timestamp Temporary Tables Running Drop Indexes Script 1 Running Drop Indexes Script 2 Running Drop Indexes Script 3 Running Drop Indexes Script 4 Running Drop Indexes Script 5 Running Drop Indexes Script 6 Running Drop Indexes Script 7 Running Drop Indexes Script 8 Running Alter Timestamps Script 1 Running Alter Timestamps Script 2 Running Alter Timestamps Script 3 Running Alter Timestamps Script 4 Running Alter Timestamps Script 5 Running Alter Timestamps Script 6 Running Alter Timestamps Script 7 Running Alter Timestamps Script 8 Running Rebuild Indexes Script 1 Running Rebuild Indexes Script 2 Running Rebuild Indexes Script 3 Running Rebuild Indexes Script 4 Running Rebuild Indexes Script 5 Running Rebuild Indexes Script 6 Running Rebuild Indexes Script 7 Running Rebuild Indexes Script 8 Understanding Oracle Time Data Types Conversion In PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.50 and higher, the TIMESTAMP data type is now supported for the PeopleSoft TIME and DATETIME field types. These data type changes are mandatory, and the DATE data type will no longer be used for the TIME and DATETIME fields. PeopleSoft Change Assistant will display and run the steps in this task only if you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.49 or earlier. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 119

120 Applying PeopleTools Changes Chapter 3 Task : Backing Up Before Converting Data Types Back up your upgrade database now. This enables you to restart your upgrade from this point, in case you experience any database integrity problems during the remaining tasks in the upgrade process. Important! Contact your database administrator to update the statistics on the database catalog. This will improve performance for subsequent steps in the upgrade. Typically, only the users sys and sysdba have the authority to perform this task. The following command updates the statistics on the database catalog: EXEC DBMS_STATS.GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS('SYS'); Task : Creating Conversion Audit Tables This step runs PRETSCNVADT1A.SQL, which drops and re-creates some temporary tables required by the preconversion audit SQRs. If the tables being dropped, DERIVEDPSSQLTABLEANDINDEX, DROP_FUNCIDX_CANDIDATES, and DERIVEDTABLESWITHFUNCINDEXES, don't exist, the execution of this script will generate the following error, which you can safely ignore: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist Task : Auditing Date to Timestamp Conversion This step runs TSCAUDIT.SQR, which reports which columns by table are candidates for DATE to TIMESTAMP data type conversion. Note. If this SQR needs to be rerun for any reason, you must run PRETSCNVADT1A.SQL before rerunning TSCAUDIT.SQR. 120 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

121 Chapter 3 Applying PeopleTools Changes Task : Creating the PTTSTEMPTABS Project This step creates the PTTSTEMPTABS project and inserts all records of the type Temporary Table. Task : Filtering the Timestamp Temporary Tables Project This step run PS_HOME/SCRIPTS/PTTSTEMPTABS_FILTER.SQL. This script removes any temporary tables from the PTTSTEMPTABS project that do not contain either a PSTIME or PSDATETIME field type. Task : Building the Timestamp Temporary Tables Project This step generates the PTTSTEMPTABS_CRTTBL.SQL script to drop and re-create the records of the type Temporary Table in the database that contain a PSTIME or PSDATETIME field type. Temporary tables are handled separately from records of the type Table. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 121

122 Applying PeopleTools Changes Chapter 3 Task : Editing the Timestamp Temporary Tables Script In this step, you will edit the PTTSTEMPTABS_CRTTBL.SQL script for tablespace names and sizing. If you are not using the PeopleSoft tablespace names, have your database administrator review and modify the script above. The script can be found in your PeopleSoft Change Assistant output directory for this upgrade path. Task : Generating Timestamp Conversion Scripts This section discusses: Setting Parameters for the System Identifier Verifying Environment Variables Setting the Script Generation Parameters Executing the Script Generation Program Setting Parameters for the System Identifier Work with your database administrator to set init.ora parameters for the Target database's system identifier (SID). You must stop and restart the database SID for these settings to take effect. To set the parameters: 1. Set the following init.ora parameters: db_block_size=8192 db_cache_size= db_file_multiblock_read_count=8 job_queue_processes=10 shared_pool_size= pga_aggregate_target= parallel_max_servers=8 workarea_size_policy=auto Note. If you are using Oracle 10g or higher, you may use the parameters SGA_TARGET=300M and SGA_MAX_SIZE=350M instead of SHARED_POOL_SIZE, DB_CACHE_SIZE, and DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS. 122 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

123 Chapter 3 Applying PeopleTools Changes 2. Pre-allocate the PSTEMP tablespace to at least 10 GB. 3. Pre-allocate the PSDEFAULT tablespace to at least 2 GB with 10-MB local uniform extents. 4. Ensure that you have at least six redo logs sized at 500 MB each. Verifying Environment Variables The Oracle data types script generation program is a Java program that connects to an Oracle database. The prerequisites are Java and the Oracle JDBC Drivers. The Java JDK required for this conversion program to run (Version 1.5) will automatically be picked up by the.bat file if the PS_HOME environment variable is set. Note. When setting environment variables or directories to reference paths, if any of your paths contain spaces, they will need to be wrapped in double quotes; for example, SET PS_HOME = 'PS_HOME_location'. To verify whether the PS_HOME environment variable is set: 1. At the workstation command prompt, enter the following: echo %PS_HOME%; This should return a path, for example: c:psoftpt If the PS_HOME environment variable is not set, then set it in the command prompt window by entering the following at the workstation command prompt: SET PS_HOME=PS_Home_location The Oracle JDBC drivers will automatically be picked up by the.bat file provided that the ORACLE_HOME environment variable is set. To verify whether the ORACLE_HOME environment variable is set: 1. At the workstation command prompt, enter the following: echo %ORACLE_HOME%; This should return a path, for example: c:oracleproduct10.1.0client_1; 2. If the ORACLE_HOME environment variable is not set, then set it in the command prompt window by entering the following at the workstation command prompt: SET ORACLE_HOME=Oracle_Home_location Setting the Script Generation Parameters You execute the Oracle data types script generation program using the PS_HOME utilitypsoratimestampconversion.bat file, which requires six input parameters. Set the following parameters: ACCESSID: The access ID for the database to be converted. ACCESSIDPW: The access password for the database to be converted. DBNAME: The database name. OUTPUTDIR: A directory path to redirect the generated conversion scripts to a user-specified directory. This must be set to the PeopleSoft Change Assistant output directory for your upgrade pass. PeopleSoft Change Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 123

124 Applying PeopleTools Changes Chapter 3 Assistant will run the generated scripts later in the upgrade. SCRIPTQTY: The number of concurrent scripts to generate. This parameter is mandatory. The recommendation is 8 as the upgrade template is set up to run 8 sets of scripts. If you choose a different number, then you will need to modify the upgrade template and either remove the steps corresponding to the extra scripts, or add additional steps to run the additional scripts. ORACLEVERSION: The version of Oracle Connectivity that you are using (11 or 12). Example: PS_HOMEutilityPSORATimestampConversion.bat SYSADM SYSADM MYDB c:upgrade outputchange_assistant_job_directory 8 11 In the example command line above: ACCESSID = SYSADM ACCESSIDPW = SYSADM DBNAME = MYDB OUTPUTDIR = c:upgradeoutputchange_assistant_job_directory SCRIPTQTY = 8 ORACLEVERSION = 11 Executing the Script Generation Program Open a command prompt window on the client workstation and execute the Oracle data types script generation program PS_HOMEutilityPSORATimestampConversion.bat. The program will display and write a log (PsTSOraCnv.log) to the directory specified by the OUTPUTDIR parameter indicating the status of the conversion program. Review PsOraCnvTS.log and ensure that the conversion scripts were generated cleanly. For all databases, ANSI or Unicode, the following three sets of scripts are generated: DROPINDEXESn.SQL ALTERTIMESTAMPSn.SQL REBUILDINDEXESn.SQL After successfully running the conversion script generation program, verify that the generated SQL scripts are located in the PeopleSoft Change Assistant output directory for your upgrade pass. Later in the upgrade, PeopleSoft Change Assistant will automatically run the SQL scripts from the PeopleSoft Change Assistant output directory for your upgrade pass. 124 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

125 Chapter 3 Applying PeopleTools Changes Task : Creating Timestamp Temporary Tables This step runs the PTTSTEMPTABS_CRTTBL.SQL script to re-create Temporary Tables using PSTIME or PSDATETIME fields. Task : Running Drop Indexes Script 1 This step runs DROPINDEXES1.SQL, which was generated using PSORATimestampConversion.bat. All of the indexes in the script must be successfully dropped before altering tables. The drop indexes scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Task : Running Drop Indexes Script 2 This step runs DROPINDEXES2.SQL, which was generated using PSORATimestampConversion.bat. All of the indexes in the script must be successfully dropped before altering tables. The drop indexes scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Task : Running Drop Indexes Script 3 This step runs DROPINDEXES3.SQL, which was generated using PSORATimestampConversion.bat. All of the indexes in the script must be successfully dropped before altering tables. The drop indexes scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 125

126 Applying PeopleTools Changes Chapter 3 Task : Running Drop Indexes Script 4 This step runs DROPINDEXES4.SQL, which was generated using PSORATimestampConversion.bat. All of the indexes in the script must be successfully dropped before altering tables. The drop indexes scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Task : Running Drop Indexes Script 5 This step runs DROPINDEXES5.SQL, which was generated using PSORATimestampConversion.bat. All of the indexes in the script must be successfully dropped before altering tables. The drop indexes scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Task : Running Drop Indexes Script 6 This step runs DROPINDEXES6.SQL, which was generated using PSORATimestampConversion.bat. All of the indexes in the script must be successfully dropped before altering tables. The drop indexes scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. 126 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

127 Chapter 3 Applying PeopleTools Changes Task : Running Drop Indexes Script 7 This step runs DROPINDEXES7.SQL, which was generated using PSORATimestampConversion.bat. All of the indexes in the script must be successfully dropped before altering tables. The drop indexes scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Task : Running Drop Indexes Script 8 This step runs DROPINDEXES8.SQL, which was generated using PSORATimestampConversion.bat. All of the indexes in the script must be successfully dropped before altering tables. The drop indexes scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Task : Running Alter Timestamps Script 1 This step runs ALTERTIMESTAMPS1.SQL, which was generated using PSORATimestampConversion.bat. The tables must be altered successfully before continuing on and rebuilding indexes. The Oracle DATE to TIMESTAMP alter scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 127

128 Applying PeopleTools Changes Chapter 3 Task : Running Alter Timestamps Script 2 This step runs ALTERTIMESTAMPS2.SQL, which was generated using PSORATimestampConversion.bat. The tables must be altered successfully before continuing on and rebuilding indexes. The Oracle DATE to TIMESTAMP alter scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Task : Running Alter Timestamps Script 3 This step runs ALTERTIMESTAMPS3.SQL, which was generated using PSORATimestampConversion.bat. The tables must be altered successfully before continuing on and rebuilding indexes. The Oracle DATE to TIMESTAMP alter scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Task : Running Alter Timestamps Script 4 This step runs ALTERTIMESTAMPS4.SQL, which was generated using PSORATimestampConversion.bat. The tables must be altered successfully before continuing on and rebuilding indexes. The Oracle DATE to TIMESTAMP alter scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. 128 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

129 Chapter 3 Applying PeopleTools Changes Task : Running Alter Timestamps Script 5 This step runs ALTERTIMESTAMPS5.SQL, which was generated using PSORATimestampConversion.bat. The tables must be altered successfully before continuing on and rebuilding indexes. The Oracle DATE to TIMESTAMP alter scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Task : Running Alter Timestamps Script 6 This step runs ALTERTIMESTAMPS6.SQL, which was generated using PSORATimestampConversion.bat. The tables must be altered successfully before continuing on and rebuilding indexes. The Oracle DATE to TIMESTAMP alter scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Task : Running Alter Timestamps Script 7 This step runs ALTERTIMESTAMPS7.SQL, which was generated using PSORATimestampConversion.bat. The tables must be altered successfully before continuing on and rebuilding indexes. The Oracle DATE to TIMESTAMP alter scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 129

130 Applying PeopleTools Changes Chapter 3 Task : Running Alter Timestamps Script 8 This step runs ALTERTIMESTAMPS8.SQL, which was generated using PSORATimestampConversion.bat. The tables must be altered successfully before continuing on and rebuilding indexes. The Oracle DATE to TIMESTAMP alter scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Task : Running Rebuild Indexes Script 1 This step runs REBUILDINDEXES1.SQL, which was generated using PSORATimestampConversion.bat. The table alters must have successfully run prior to rebuilding indexes. The rebuild indexes scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Task : Running Rebuild Indexes Script 2 This step runs REBUILDINDEXES2.SQL, which was generated using PSORATimestampConversion.bat. The table alters must have successfully run prior to rebuilding indexes. The rebuild indexes scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. 130 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

131 Chapter 3 Applying PeopleTools Changes Task : Running Rebuild Indexes Script 3 This step runs REBUILDINDEXES3.SQL, which was generated using PSORATimestampConversion.bat. The table alters must have successfully run prior to rebuilding indexes. The rebuild indexes scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Task : Running Rebuild Indexes Script 4 This step runs REBUILDINDEXES4.SQL, which was generated using PSORATimestampConversion.bat. The table alters must have successfully run prior to rebuilding indexes. The rebuild indexes scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Task : Running Rebuild Indexes Script 5 This step runs REBUILDINDEXES5.SQL, which was generated using PSORATimestampConversion.bat. The table alters must have successfully run prior to rebuilding indexes. The rebuild indexes scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 131

132 Applying PeopleTools Changes Chapter 3 Task : Running Rebuild Indexes Script 6 This step runs REBUILDINDEXES6.SQL, which was generated using PSORATimestampConversion.bat. The table alters must have successfully run prior to rebuilding indexes. The rebuild indexes scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Task : Running Rebuild Indexes Script 7 This step runs REBUILDINDEXES7.SQL, which was generated using PSORATimestampConversion.bat. The table alters must have successfully run prior to rebuilding indexes. The rebuild indexes scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. Task : Running Rebuild Indexes Script 8 This step runs REBUILDINDEXES8.SQL, which was generated using PSORATimestampConversion.bat. The table alters must have successfully run prior to rebuilding indexes. The rebuild indexes scripts are designed to run concurrently to improve performance. 132 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

133 Chapter 3 Applying PeopleTools Changes Task 3-29: Backing Up After the PeopleTools Upgrade Back up your upgrade database now. This enables you to restart your upgrade from this point, in case you experience any database integrity problems during the remaining tasks in the upgrade process. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 133


135 Chapter 4 Completing Changes This chapter discusses: Understanding Changes Updating Language Data Booting Servers Setting Up Security Reviewing PeopleTools Functionality Enabling Oracle Transparent Data Encryption Enabling Oracle Fine Grained Auditing Running the Final Audit Reports Reviewing Change Control Updating the Environment Configuration Updating Application Objects Understanding Changes You made various changes in the previous chapters, and now it is time to complete these changes and test your upgraded database. You will run reports to audit your database and then turn Change Control back on. Task 4-1: Updating Language Data This section discusses: Understanding Updating Language Data Running the TSRECPOP Script Understanding Updating Language Data In this task, you run scripts to modify data in PeopleSoft PeopleTools-related language tables. Note. For DB2 z/os customers, Oracle recommends that you run RUNSTATS against the system catalog tables at this time. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 135

136 Completing Changes Chapter 4 Task 4-1-1: Running the TSRECPOP Script In this step, the TSRECPOP script initializes and modifies the data in PeopleSoft PeopleTools-related language architecture tables. Task 4-2: Booting Servers Clear your client workstation browser cache and boot your application servers, web servers, and process scheduler servers. At this point in the upgrade, complete any necessary remaining installation tasks. See the PeopleTools installation guide for your database platform on your new release. As an alternative to manually booting up the servers, you can use an Oracle VM template, if one is available and suitable for your new release configuration. Please refer to the Oracle Virtualization information out on My Oracle Support for more information about using Oracle VM templates on PeopleSoft. Note. After applying this release, the Help, About dialog box will show the version of PeopleSoft PeopleTools to which you upgraded. Task 4-3: Setting Up Security This section discusses: Understanding Security Synchronizing CREF Permissions Understanding Security In this task you perform steps to set up security, grant access to the user ID, set up permissions lists, and grant access to navigation and homepages. 136 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

137 Chapter 4 Completing Changes Task 4-3-1: Synchronizing CREF Permissions This step runs the Application Engine program PORTAL_CSS, which synchronizes Portal Registry Structures and Permission Lists for all Portal Registry Definitions in the Upgrade database. The Portal Registry Structures, as copied from the new release, do not initially reference any permission lists on the Upgrade database. The synchronization process matches the existing permission lists to the appropriate Registry Structures. Review any messages received during the running of this process with your Portal Administrator. See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Portal Technology for your new release. Note. If the permission lists for your upgrade user do not allow you access to a component, you will encounter this error when running the security synchronization process for that page: Security synchronization failed for Portal Object. This error may indicate other problems with the component or folder, but you should check your security first. Task 4-4: Reviewing PeopleTools Functionality PeopleSoft Online Help (PeopleBooks) provides details about the current PeopleSoft PeopleTools functionality. There are many new features delivered in the new release that you may want to use. You should now review the PeopleSoft Online Help (PeopleBooks) and PeopleTools installation guide to configure your environment properly. This may include, but is not limited to, configuring and starting a process scheduler and a report server, and reviewing portal settings. See the PeopleTools installation guide for your database platform on your new release. To review the PeopleSoft PeopleTools Release Notes, go to My Oracle Support and search for the PeopleSoft PeopleTools Release Notes for your new release. You should review the following considerations: If you applied a PeopleSoft PeopleTools patch earlier in the upgrade, review the patch documentation and run any steps that you have not already performed during the upgrade. Check your PeopleSoft Change Assistant output directory if you do not know whether a script was already run during the upgrade process. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 137

138 Completing Changes Chapter 4 Oracle has updated the themes that define the look of the user interface. Various user interface options were delivered with your current PeopleSoft release. The following table lists the theme or style available for each PeopleSoft release: Theme Name Classic (deprecated as of PeopleTools 8.50) Light blue (deprecated as of PeopleTools 8.50) Dark blue SWAN Tangerine, Tangerine_ALT, and Fluid Release PeopleSoft 8.4 applications and pre-8.50 PeopleTools system databases NA PeopleSoft 8.8, 8.9, and 9.0 applications and 8.51 or later PeopleTools system databases PeopleSoft 9.1 applications PeopleSoft 9.2 applications Your style settings were retained during the upgrade, but your theme may have been updated. See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Portal Technology for your new release for more information about using PeopleTools branding features. PeopleSoft PeopleTools uses Verity to implement free text search. If you are on a PeopleSoft application that supports Verity, and a new release of Verity is required with the new PeopleSoft PeopleTools release, then you need to check for the necessary application patches that may be required to use the new version of Verity. To check for required patches, go to My Oracle Support, select Patches & Updates, PeopleSoft, and search for PeopleTools Required at Upgrade patches for Verity. Integration Broker was rewritten in PeopleSoft PeopleTools If you use Integration Broker, you will need to perform setup configuration and review the explanation of metadata mapping. See the product documentation for PeopleTools: PeopleSoft Integration Broker for your new release for more information about understanding migrated integration metadata. In PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.50, if you are a Microsoft SQL Server customer, you need to use an access ID that is not a system administrator access ID. If you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.49 or earlier, enable and configure the access ID after completing the final pass of the upgrade. See the PeopleTools Installation for Microsoft SQL Server guide for your new release, appendix 'Synchronizing the ACCESSID User.' Review your PeopleSoft Portal settings, as the values may have changed during the upgrade. See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Portal Technology for your new release for more information about understanding changes in portal configuration settings. As of PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.51, if you are an Oracle database customer, you can now restrict the Access ID to the minimum privileges needed to run PeopleSoft applications. Additionally, as of PeopleTools 8.55, the set of privileges has been refined even further. If you are upgrading from PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.54 or earlier, restrict the Access ID privileges after completing the final pass of the upgrade. See the PeopleTools Installation for Oracle guide for your new release, 'Creating a Manually on Windows' and 'Creating a on UNIX,' Creating PeopleSoft Roles. Password security has been enhanced as of PeopleSoft PeopleTools Your passwords will automatically 138 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

139 Chapter 4 Completing Changes use the stronger hashing method the next time your passwords are changed using the new PeopleTools release. For XSL template users, BI Publisher (BIP) report definitions using XSL templates that were created using PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.52 or earlier are incompatible with the newer BIP Core engine used in PeopleSoft PeopleTools Regenerate your XSL template(s) using the current version of the BIP Template Builder plug-in that is available to download through PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture on the Design Helper page. (Select Reporting Tools, BI Publisher, Setup, Design Helper.) Reassociate the updated XSL template with the BIP report definition under the Template tab, replacing the previous version. As of PeopleTools 8.54, if you are an Oracle database customer, you can now use Materialized Views. Any views that are defined as Materialized Views were created earlier in the upgrade. You will need to set the appropriate refresh schedules for these Materialized Views, otherwise the information contained in the views will become stale and inaccurate. You can find the Materialized View Maintenance Page by navigating to PeopleTools, Utilities, Administration, Materialized Views, Materialized View Maintenance. See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Data Administration for your new release for more information about Materialized Views. As of PeopleTools 8.54, partitioning is supported on Oracle platforms. The upgrade process preserved partitioning on existing tables and indexes. Table partitioning information is stored in PTTBLPARTDDL and index partitioning information is stored in PTIDXPARTDDL. You can query these records to find the Oracledelivered partitioning recommendations, if any. Review the delivered application partitioning recommendations, make any necessary changes for your specific environment, and then apply the changes to your environment. See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Data Management, Maintaining Partition Definitions for more information about partitioning on Oracle platforms. As of PeopleTools 8.54, global temporary tables are supported on Oracle platforms. Oracle delivered the PSGTT01 tablespace as part of the upgrade. If you want to assign tables to this tablespace within Application Designer's Change Space functionality, you can either already have a PeopleSoft table created in this tablespace and then run SETSPACE.SQR to synchronize the metadata, or you can insert the tablespace into the PSTBLSPCCAT table See the new release product documentation for PeopleTools: Data Management. Task 4-5: Enabling Oracle Transparent Data Encryption Oracle's Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) feature was disabled at the beginning of the upgrade. If you had TDE enabled prior to the upgrade, then after finishing the upgrade you need to re-enable TDE by running scripts in the sequence specified in the following procedure. To re-enable TDE: 1. Run PS_HOMESCRIPTSPOSTUPGTDEPROCESS1.SQL. The script POSTUPGTDEPROCESS1.SQL performs similarly to the script PREUPGTDEPROCESS.SQL, which you ran at the beginning of the upgrade, to find any tables that are encrypted, generate a list of fields that need to have the PeopleSoft metadata encryption attribute re-enabled, and create the Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 139

140 Completing Changes Chapter 4 ENCRYPTEDTBLSA project. The ENCRYPTEDTBLSB project is compared with the ENCRYPTEDTBLSA project, and the resulting list of differences between the recfields is input to the script POSTUPGTDEPROCESS2.SQL. See 'Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade,' Preserving PeopleTools Configuration Data, Saving Transparent Data Encryption Information. 2. Run PS_HOMESCRIPTSPOSTUPGTDEPROCESS2.SQL. The script POSTUPGTDEPROCESS2.SQL generates four scripts, which you will run in the next step to reapply TDE to the records identified by the POSTUPGTDEPROCESS1.SQL. Review the generated scripts (particularly PSTDEREBUILDFUNCIDX.SQL) to make sure that the syntax, sizing, and tablespace information is intact and is not split at the end of a line. If necessary, modify the scripts as needed for your environment. 3. Run the scripts that were generated when you ran POSTUPGTDEPROCESS2.SQL in the following order: PSTDEDROPFUNCIDX.SQL PSTDEREENCRYPT.SQL PSTDEREBUILDFUNCIDX.SQL PSTDEREENCRYPTMETADATA.SQL 4. Run PS_HOMESCRIPTSPOSTUPGTDEVALIDATION.SQL. The script POSTUPGTDEVALIDATION.SQL validates that all tables and columns that were encrypted before the upgrade have maintained encryption. It lists any records that contain encrypted fields but were not included in the ENCRYPTEDTBLSB project. It also sets the value for the TDE algorithm defined within PSOPTIONS. See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Data Management for your new release for more information about administering PeopleSoft databases on Oracle. Task 4-6: Enabling Oracle Fine Grained Auditing After completing the final pass of the upgrade, you can re-enable Oracle Fine Grained Auditing (FGA). To re-enable FGA: 1. Review the log file generated by running PREUPGFGAREPORT.SQL at the beginning of the upgrade. 2. Edit the script PSCREATEFGA.SQL, generated earlier in the upgrade, to remove any entries that no longer apply to the new release as some of the tables and columns referenced in the script may have been removed during the upgrade. You may want to enable FGA on additional tables and columns in the new release. 3. After editing the script, run the PSCREATEFGA.SQL script to re-enable Oracle Fine Grained Auditing. See 'Preparing for Your PeopleTools Upgrade,' Preserving PeopleTools Configuration Data, Saving Oracle Fine Grained Auditing Information. 140 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

141 Chapter 4 Completing Changes See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Data Management for your new release for more information about administering databases on Oracle. Task 4-7: Running the Final Audit Reports This section discusses: Running the Final DDDAUDIT Report Running the Final SYSAUDIT Report Running the Final SWPAUDIT Report Creating the FNLALTAUD Project Running the Final Alter Audit Reviewing the Final Audits Task 4-7-1: Running the Final DDDAUDIT Report DDDAUDIT is an SQR that compares your production SQL data tables with the PeopleSoft PeopleTools record definitions to uncover inconsistencies. You can expect some errors from this report. You will review the output from the report in another step. Task 4-7-2: Running the Final SYSAUDIT Report SYSAUDIT is an SQR that identifies orphaned PeopleSoft objects. For example, SYSAUDIT will identify a module of PeopleCode that exists but does not relate to any other objects in the system. SYSAUDIT also identifies other inconsistencies within your database. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 141

142 Completing Changes Chapter 4 Task 4-7-3: Running the Final SWPAUDIT Report SWPAUDIT is an SQR that checks database integrity in a multilingual context. For example, SWPAUDIT can identify a base and related-language record with mismatched key fields. non-english Task 4-7-4: Creating the FNLALTAUD Project In this step, you create the FNLALTAUD project and use it to run your final Alter Audit. Creating this new project now ensures that all the records in your system are audited, including SQL tables. This project also includes any custom records that you have created in your system. Task 4-7-5: Running the Final Alter Audit Run the PeopleSoft PeopleTools alter record process on all tables in your system to check whether the PeopleSoft PeopleTools definitions are synchronized with the underlying SQL data tables in your database. This process is called an Alter Audit. An Alter Audit compares the data structures of your database tables with the PeopleSoft PeopleTools definitions to uncover inconsistencies. The Alter Audit then creates an SQL script with the DDL changes needed to synchronize your database with the PeopleSoft PeopleTools definitions. The Alter Audit script is built using the FNLALTAUD project created in the previous step. 142 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

143 Chapter 4 Completing Changes Task 4-7-6: Reviewing the Final Audits The Alter Audit process creates SQL scripts that correct any discrepancies between your PeopleSoft PeopleTools record definitions and the database system catalog table definitions. Review the Alter Audit output and correct any discrepancies noted by running the generated scripts with your platform-specific SQL tool. The script names are: FNLALTAUD_ALTTBL.SQL FNLALTAUD_CRTIDX.SQL Note. The Alter Audit process also creates the script FNLALTAUD_CRTTRG.SQL, which re-creates all database triggers. You do not need to run this script, since all database triggers were created in a previous task. Note. For Microsoft SQL Server and DB2 DB2 LUW platforms, if your database has tables containing the MSSCONCATCOL or DBXCONCATCOL column, you will see SQL alter the tables and re-create their associated indexes, even though the underlying tables and indexes may not have changed. Review the output from the SYSAUDIT, SWPAUDIT, and DDDAUDIT reports and correct any discrepancies. Your DDDAUDIT listing shows some expected discrepancies. Tables and views deleted from PeopleSoft Application Designer are not automatically deleted from the system tables. Oracle takes this precaution in case you have customized information that you want to preserve. Therefore, the report lists any tables and views that the new release does not have. Review these tables to verify that you do not wish to preserve any custom data, and then drop the tables and views. Similarly, your SYSAUDIT report may have some errors due to references to obsolete PeopleSoft-owned objects. Invalid references are not automatically cleaned up during the upgrade in case you have customizations that you want to modify. For instance, if a PeopleSoft Permission List is deleted, and you have a Role that still refers to that Permission List, then it will appear on the SYSAUDIT report. See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Data Management for your new release. Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 143

144 Completing Changes Chapter 4 Task 4-8: Reviewing Change Control Earlier in the upgrade process, in the beginning of the chapter 'Applying PeopleTools Changes,' the Change Control feature was disabled. In this step, you re-enable Change Control, if your site uses this functionality. To turn on Change Control: 1. Sign in to the Target database using PeopleSoft Application Designer. 2. Select Tools, Change Control, Administrator. The following example shows the options available on the Change Control Administrator dialog box: Change Control Administrator dialog box 3. Set 'Use change control locking' and 'Use change control history' according to your site specifications. See 'Applying PeopleTools Changes,' Turning Off Change Control. Task 4-9: Updating the Environment Configuration This task updates your environment configuration to prepare Change Assistant for performing the application upgrade job. 144 Copyright 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

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