Background Processes Windows

As you must have noticed, Google Chrome Browser creates a bunch of processes when it is running on your computer. Let us take a look at why Chrome creates so many Processes and How to Disable Multiple Chrome Processes on your computer.

  1. Unnecessary Background Processes Windows 10
  2. Background Processes Windows 10

A process contains multiple threads which create subprocess or a child process. If you find any process which is affecting your system’s performance or if any process is not responding properly, then you need to kill that process. For performing this task, you must know how to kill a process in Windows 10. On Windows 10, many apps you download from the Microsoft Store will continue to run in the background to take advantage of additional features, such as the ability to download data, update Live. The Processes tab is laid out as a table, and like most Windows tables, you can sort it by clicking the column headings. Click Image Name, and you alphabetize the processes. Click CPU, and you can.

Why Chrome Browser Creates Multiple Processes

Jan 27, 2017  Here are a few ways to open Task Manager: Right-click the Taskbar and click on Task Manager. Open Start, do a search for Task Manager and click the result. Use the Ctrl + Shift + Esc keyboard shortcut. Use the Ctrl + Alt + Del keyboard shortcut and click on Task Manager. Use the Windows key + X. Windows 10 Fix Why Too Many Svchost.exe (Service Host) Process Running in Task Manager - If you are using Windows 10 operating system in your computer, try following: Open Task Manager using Ctrl+Shift+Esc hotkey or by right-clicking on Taskbar.

Multiple open and running windows on your desktop or laptop can lead the system to become slow and even face some errors. So you might wonder: can I stop all the processes running or kill all open applications in Windows 10? Hope you'll have a smooth PC experience from here! Windows Processes. Windows also comes with a number of interesting, yet resource-intensive processes. Decide for yourself what to make of them. Sidebar.exe makes the practical widgets on Windows 7 and Vista possible, but also eats up a lot of memory. Anyone who doesn’t use the widgets can stop Sidebar.exe.

Unlike other browsers, Google Chrome Browser has been designed to create an individual process for every Tab, Plugin, and Extension that you use on your computer.

This design is based on the concept of preventing complete browser failure, if something goes wrong. For example, let us assume that you open your favourite website on Chrome browser, this website will remain active and accessible in its own tab, even if you open multiple other websites and one of them turns out to be buggy and crashes.

By separating each Tab and Extension into a separate process, Chrome browser can remain active even if any tab/tabs need to be closed.

Disable Multiple Chrome Processes In Windows 10

Once you understand the reason for Multiple Chrome Browser Processes on your computer, you may not really want to disable Multiple Chrome Processes on your computer, unless it becomes necessary.

Unnecessary Background Processes Windows 10

Disabling Chrome browser Processes may become necessary in case Multiple Chrome Processes end up consuming excessive % of RAM on your computer. This can happen if you are opening multiple tabs while browsing the internet and using too many Chrome Extensions and Plugins on your computer.

In case you find the Chrome Browser slow or buggy, you can limit or Disable Multiple Chrome Processes on your computer by using any of the following methods.

  1. Using Google Chrome Task Manager.
  2. By Stopping Chrome Background Processes
  3. Set Chrome Browser to Open Single Process For Multiple Tabs
  4. Use Less Tabs and Extensions

Kill Chrome Processes Using Chrome Task Manager

Google Chrome browser has its own built-in Task Manager which allows you to see each Chrome Process running on your computer. In case required, you can use the Chrome Task Manager to view and close any Chrome Process on your computer.

1. Click on the 3-line Chrome Settings Icon in the upper-right corner of your screen. From the drop-down menu click on More Tools and then click on Task Manager option in the side menu that appears (See image below)

2. On the Chrome Task Manager, click on any Chrome Process that you want to shut down and then click on the End Process button.

This will close the selected Chrome Process, preventing it from using resources on your computer.

Stop Chrome Background Processes

Even if you close down Chrome browser, it will still continue to run Processes in the background. This happens when you install Chrome Plugins and Chrome Extension with a default tendency to continue running in the background. Serif x6 download.

Luckily, you can prevent Google Chrome from running Processes in the background by following the steps below.

1. Click on the 3-line Chrome Browser Settings Icon located at the top right corner of your screen and then click on Settings in the drop-down menu.

2. On the Settings screen, scroll down and click on Show advanced settings… link located at the bottom of the page.

3. In the expanded Settings screen, uncheck the option for Continue running background apps when Google Chrome is closed located under “System” Section (See image below). Hp 990c printer driver for windows 7.

This will prevent Google Chrome Browser from running any Processes in the background.

Set Chrome Browser to Open Single Process For Multiple Tabs

In case you do not want Chrome to open a new process for every single tab, it is possible to setup Google Chrome browser on your Windows 10 computer to create only a single Process, even if you open Multiple tabs on your computer.

1. Right-click on the Google Chrome Icon in your Start Menu and then click on Properties option. In case the Chrome Icon is on the Taskbar of your computer, right-click on Chrome Icon, right-click on Google Chrome and then click on Properties (See image below)

2. On the Chrome Properties screen, click on the Target text box and scroll to the end of the line. Insert the phrase –process-per-site after the end of the text which is currently in the Target box.

Note: There needs to be a single space before –process-per-site

3. Click on Apply and OK to close Chrome Properties Screen.

In case you notice any issues after making this change, simply remove the parameter (–process-per-site) from the shortcut and everything will be back to normal.

This method of making Chrome Browser to open a single Process for multiple tabs works best for those users who have the habit of opening a large number of tabs from the same website.

Use Less Tabs & Extensions

Another way of preventing Chrome Browser from running Multiple Processes on your Computer is to simply use fewer Tabs, Extensions and Plugins.

Delete all the unnecessary Plugins and Extensions and avoid opening multiple tabs. Instead of opening multiple tabs, you can get used to bookmarking web pages on your computer.

Active1 year, 3 months ago

How can I execute a windows command line in the background, without it interacting with the active user?

172k49 gold badges478 silver badges494 bronze badges
Mohammad AL-RawabdehMohammad AL-Rawabdeh
9564 gold badges11 silver badges9 bronze badges

Background Processes Windows 10

10 Answers

Your question is pretty vague, but there is a post on ServerFault which may contain the information you need. The answer there describes how to run a batch file window hidden:

You could run it silently using a Windows Script file instead. The Run Method allows you running a script in invisible mode. Create a .vbs file like this one

and schedule it. The second argument in this example sets the window style. 0 means 'hide the window.'

Tobias Kienzler
2,3595 gold badges30 silver badges62 bronze badges
30.6k32 gold badges128 silver badges170 bronze badges

This is a little late but I just ran across this question while searching for the answer myself and I found this:

which, on Windows, is the closest to the Linux command:

From the console HELP system:

One problem I saw with it is that you have more than one program writing to the console window, it gets a little confusing and jumbled.

To make it not interact with the user, you can redirect the output to a file:

2,5312 gold badges8 silver badges2 bronze badges

I suspect you mean: Run something in the background and get the command line back immediately with the launched program continuing.

Which is the Unix equivalent of

172k49 gold badges478 silver badges494 bronze badges
Paul DouglasPaul Douglas

the above one is pretty closer with its Unix counterpart program &

Siva SankaranSiva Sankaran

You can use this (commented!) PowerShell script:

Save it as a .ps1 file. After enabling script execution (see Enabling Scripts in the PowerShell tag wiki), you can pass it one or two strings: the name of the executable and optionally the arguments line. For example:

I confirm that this works on Windows 10.

Tobias Kienzler
2,3595 gold badges30 silver badges62 bronze badges
Ben NBen N
31.6k13 gold badges109 silver badges154 bronze badges

This is how my PHP internal server goes into background. So technically it should work for all.


Suyash JainSuyash Jain

If you want the command-line program to run without the user even knowing about it, define it as a Windows Service and it will run on a schedule.

8,3782 gold badges20 silver badges37 bronze badges

A related answer, with 2 examples:

  1. Below opens calc.exe:

call START /B 'my calc' 'calc.exe'

  1. Sometimes foreground is not desireable, then you run minimized as below:

call START /MIN 'my mongod' '%ProgramFiles%MongoDBServer3.4binmongod.exe'

Manohar Reddy PoreddyManohar Reddy Poreddy

You can see the correct way to do this in this link:

Summarizing, you have to checkbox for 'Run whether user is logged on or not'. Task user credentials should be enter after pressing 'Ok'.

Daniel AlonsoDaniel Alonso

just came across this threadwindows 7 , using power shell, runs executable's in the background , exact same as unix filename &

example: start -NoNewWindow filename

help start

NAME Start-Process

SYNTAX Start-Process [-FilePath] [[-ArgumentList] ] [-Credential ] [-WorkingDirectory ] [-LoadUserProfile] [-NoNewWindow] [-PassThru] [-RedirectStandardError ] [-RedirectStandardInput ] [-RedirectStandardOutput ] [-Wait] [-WindowStyle {Normal Hidden Minimized Maximized}] [-UseNewEnvironment] []

ALIASES saps start


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