Authorization Approval Code


  1. Credit Card Authorization Code Format
  2. Authorization And Approval
  3. Debit Card Authorization Code
  4. Authorization Approval Code For Philippines
  5. Merchant Authorization Code
  1. Use standard authorization criteria with Issuer - not eligible for chargebacks: 1: CAVV failed verification (authentication) - Issuer approves authorization.Transaction was approved by the Issuer knowing that the authentication data failed verification and was not reliable Transaction is not eligible for Reason Code 75 or 83: 9.
  2. Authorization Code Response Date Invalid. Authorization code and/or response date are invalid. Note: MOP = MC, MD, VI only. Partial Authorization Not Allowed or Partial Authorization Request Note Valid. Action code or division does not allow partial authorizations or partial authorization request is not valid. Duplicate Deposit.


Account Data Compromise Event (ADCE)

The credit card authorization code represents the five or six numbers generated by an issuing bank, or the bank of a buyer using a credit card, for the purpose of validating a credit card whenever it is approved in the sale of a good or a service. The credit card authorization code confirms the transaction and forms the first line of defense against credit theft. When a merchant or store where you make a purchase contacts either a processor or your credit card company, the authorization code confirms that your transaction was processed and gives an approval or denial.

An event in which account data may have been compromised that could lead to unauthorized use of the cardholder's account. An ADCE does not mean that account data was wrongfully disclosed or used, but that account data may have been wrongfully disclosed or used.

Address Verification Service (AVS)

A Mastercard service to help combat fraud for non-face-to-face transactions by use of cardholder address information in the authorization request.

Affiliate member

A type of Mastercard member that participates indirectly through an association member or a principal member in the activities of this corporation (for example, by issuing Mastercard® or by accepting transaction records from merchants).

Credit Card Authorization Code Format


In security, ensuring that the message is genuine, that it has arrived exactly as it was sent, and that it comes from the stated source.


Approval of a transaction by or on behalf of an issuer according to defined operations regulations. The merchant receives, via telephone or authorization terminal, this approval to process the transaction.

Authorization code

A six-digit alphanumeric code assigned by the issuer to identify the approval for a specific authorization request. Also referred to as 'issuer's response code,' 'authorization approval code' or 'authorization response code.'

Authorization message

A message between a card acceptor and an issuer about whether the issuer approves a transaction.

Authorization response

An answer to an authorization request, which is typically a code that advises the acquirer or merchant on how to proceed with the transaction.

Automated Clearing House System (ACH)

One of the group of processing institutions that have networked together to exchange (clear and settle) electronic transactions.

Automated fuel dispenser (AFD)

A terminal device used to accept payment for fuel at a petroleum service station.


Bank Identification Number (BIN)

A unique six-digit number assigned by Mastercard International to identify acquiring members.

Bank card

A payment card issued by a bank or other financial institution such as a Mastercard® or Maestro® card.

Batch processing

A type of data processing operation and data communications transmission during which related transactions are grouped together and transmitted for processing, usually by the same computer and under the same application.

Brand mark or mark

The proprietary combination of names, symbols and colors that visually conveys a brand's identity and personality.


Call referral

A generic term for the 'refer to card issuer' authorization response. A call referral indicates that the acquirer or merchant must contact the issuer for further instructions. The issuer uses the call referral as a fraud prevention tool when it suspects or is attempting to prevent fraud at the point of interaction. See also referral call.

Card acceptor

A merchant or an ATM that accepts a card and presents transaction data to an acquirer.

Card acceptor business code (MCC)

A numerical representation of the type of business in which the card acceptor (merchant) engages. Formerly merchant category code (MCC).

Card account

A credit line for deposit facility accessed by a card issued to a cardholder that enables the cardholder to purchase goods and services or obtain cash.

Card payment system

A payment system supporting payments made by financial transaction cards.

Card Validation Code (CVC)

A card security feature. CVC 1 is a three-digit value encoded on Tracks 1 and 2 in three contiguous positions in the discretionary data field of a magnetic stripe on a Mastercard, Maestro card or Cirrus card. CVC 2 is indent-printed into the tamper-evident signature panel on a Mastercard. Chip CVC is a three-digit value encoded in the Track 2 equivalent data field in three contiguous positions within the discretionary data field of the chip on a Mastercard, Maestro card or Cirrus card. The CVC is intended to inhibit the alteration or misuse of card data and enhance the authentication of the card.

Chargeback process

A dispute resolution process that is used to determine the responsible party in a chargeback-related dispute. This process has three cycles in which stakeholders can resolve the dispute themselves. If they do not resolve the case within three cycles, they must send the case to arbitration. The three cycles are:

  • First chargeback (submitted by the issuer)
  • Second presentment (submitted by the acquirer)
  • Arbitration chargeback (submitted by the issuer)


The process of exchanging financial transaction details between an acquirer and an issuer to facilitate posting of a cardholder's account and reconciliation of a customer's settlement position.

Co-branded card

A card issued by a financial institution in association with a commercial company or merchant, typically bearing the brand of both.

Credit card

A card bearing an account number assigned to a cardholder with a credit limit that can be used to purchase goods and services and to obtain cash disbursements on credit. A cardholder is subsequently billed by an issuer for repayment of the credit extended at once or on an installment basis.

Credit loss

The amount lost (charged off) as a result of failure of the cardholder to pay the amount owed on the account.

Cross-border transaction

Any transaction on a Mastercard credit or debit card, Cirrus card, or Maestro card processed through the Global Clearing Management System (GCMS) or the Mastercard Debit Switch (MDS) in which the country code of the merchant differs from the country code of the cardholder.


Debit card

A card used to initiate a debit transaction. In general, these transactions are used primarily to purchase goods and services and to obtain cash, for which the cardholder's asset account is debited by the issuer.

Debit transaction

A transaction initiated when a card is presented as payment for goods and services or at an ATM for cash withdrawals. The transaction amount is automatically deducted from the cardholder's demand deposit or other bank account.


E-commerce transaction

The non-face-to-face payment for goods or services by use of electronic media over a public network (such as the Internet) or private network (such as an extranet).

Electronic commerce

The exchange of goods and services for payment between the cardholder and merchant. The transaction is performed (completely or partially) via electronic communication.

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

A paperless transfer of funds initiated from a terminal, computer, phone or magnetic tape.

Electronic Funds Transfer System (EFTS)

An electronically based system designed to eliminate the paper instruments that are normally associated with fund movement. For example, a cash withdrawal from an ATM that eliminates the check.

Electronic point of sale

A point-of-sale merchant equipped with electronic equipment for pricing and recording transactions, but not necessarily incorporating functions for electronic funds transfer (EFT).

Emergency Card Replacement Service (ECR Service)

A service designed to provide temporary cards to all Mastercard cardholders that do not have their cards in their possession.


Financial institution

Any commercial bank; federal or state savings and loan association; federal or state savings bank; or credit union.

First chargeback

A procedure in which an issuer charges all or part of the amount of an interchange transaction back to the acquirer in accordance with Mastercard regulations.

Fraudulent merchant

A retailer, or any other person, company or corporation that agrees to accept credit, debit or both; and engages in an unauthorized transaction occurring on any of the cards offered by Mastercard.


Guaranteed reservation

Use of a Mastercard account number to reserve accommodations at lodging merchants. For the cardholder, such reservations include a late arrival provision, penalties if cancellation rules are not met, and a provision for unavailable rooms upon arrival.

Guest folio

A lodging merchant's guest record that contains the cardholder's transaction information, including check-in and departure dates, rate, anticipated length of stay at check-in time, applicable charges, and taxes. The check-in date and the dated amount and authorization approval code of each authorization must be included on the folio if not on the sales draft.


Independent Sales Organization (ISO)

A member service provider (MSP) that provides program services other than transaction and cardholder processing to a financial insitution in support of the financial institution's program. Such program services include but are not limited to merchant solicitation, cardholder solicitation, customer service and ATM deployment.

In-flight commerce

Transactions such as shopping or gaming that a cardholder initiates during a flight. In Mastercard applications, these transaction types are also referred to as Cardholder-Activated Terminal (CAT) Level 4.


The exchange of transaction data between acquirers and issuers in accordance with Mastercard rules.

Interchange fee

A fee applied to an interchange transaction, applicable to the two financial institutions participating in the transaction as issuer and acquirer.

Interchange program

A program that reimburses issuers for specific costs related to an incoming interchange transaction. These costs include processing costs, financial carrying costs, and risk costs. Interchange fees are payable to the issuer by the acquirer.


Magnetic stripe

The magnetically encoded stripe on the bankcard plastic that contains information pertinent to the cardholder account. The physical and magnetic characteristics of the magnetic stripe are specified in ISO Standards 7810, 7811, and 7813.

Magnetic stripe reader

A device that reads information recorded on the magnetic stripe of a card.

Mastercard account number

A 16-digit number, beginning with either the number 5 or 2, assigned by an issuer to uniquely identify a Mastercard account that conforms to the Mastercard defined structure and check-digit specifications.

Mastercard Brand Mark

The interlocking circles used in conjunction with the Mastercard logotype, positioned and proportioned exactly as shown in authorized reproduction artwork.

Mastercard Payment Gateway (MPG)

A gateway hosted by Mastercard and used for routing and settling commercial e-payments between buyers and suppliers.

Mastercard SecureCode®

Mastercard SecureCode is a program supporting cardholder authentication and guaranteed payments over the Internet for Mastercard and Maestro transactions.

Merchant agreement

A written agreement between a merchant and an acquirer containing their respective rights and performance obligations with respect to card acceptance.

Merchant authorization

The means of receiving sales validation for the merchant, by telephone or authorization terminal, to guarantee payment to the merchant.

<erchant bank

A bank that has entered into an agreement with a merchant to accept deposits generated by bankcard transactions; also called the acquirer or acquiring bank.

Merchant ID number

A unique number assigned by the acquirer to identify the merchant.



An operating mode in which a card acceptance device is not connected to a central computer. Responses are governed by the parameters or guidelines set within the terminal or supporting device as defined by the issuer or Mastercard. The accessibility of information is not in a live environment, meaning that current active files are not being viewed during the time the transaction is conducted.


An operating mode in which a card acceptance device is connected to a central computer and has access to the database for authorization, inquiry, and file changes. Live files are accessed for each transaction. For authorization, an operating mode in which financial institutions are directly connected to the Banknet network via a MIP or their host computer. Live files are accessed for each transaction.


Personal Identification Number (PIN)

A 4 to 12 character alphanumeric code that enables an issuer to authenticate the cardholder to approve an ATM or terminal transaction occurring at a point-of-interaction (POI) device.

Point of Interaction (POI)

The location where a transaction occurs.

Point-of-Sale (POS) system

An electronic system that accepts financial data at or near a retail selling location and transmits that data to a computer or authorization network for reporting activity, authorization, and transaction logging.

Prepaid card

A card that stores value and is used instead of cash to pay for goods or services.

Processing fee

Compensation paid by issuers or acquirers to a financial network organization for processing interchange transactions according to the business agreements established by that financial network. Fees are determined by each transaction type for issuers and acquirers participating within each individual financial network.


An organization that is affiliated with Mastercard International Incorporated. The processor provides authorization and/or clearing and settlement services on behalf of a member.

Promotion code

A code assigned by the issuer to identify transactions that apply to a promotional program run by the issuer to encourage card use.

Proprietary card

A type of card that financial institutions or other organizations issue using the logo of the issuer instead of a national service mark or logo (such as Mastercard). A proprietary card allows the cardholder to access a credit or deposit account using ATM or POI terminals.


A financial transaction, if approved, in which funds are debited from an issuer and credited to an acquirer in payment for goods or services.


Quick Payment Service (QPS)

Authorization And Approval

The Mastercard program designed to facilitate new penetration of card acceptance by targeting cash and convenience-oriented merchant segments, for example, fast food chains, movie theaters, and parking lots.


Recurring payments

Payments by an issuer to an acquirer on behalf of a cardholder who authorizes a merchant to bill the cardholder's account on a recurring basis (such as monthly or quarterly). The amount of each payment may be the same or may fluctuate.


A refund takes place when a cardholder returns goods to the merchant and is credited for their value. Positive interchange and merchant service charge are reversed.

Retail sale transaction

Purchase of goods, services or both, generally at a merchant.


Self-service terminal

A customer-activated terminal, especially one including the functions both of delivering and paying for goods (for example, in an automatic fuel vending system).

Store card

A card associated with a particular retailer or group of retail stores that can be used only for purchases from that retailer or group of stores.

If you’re facing a prior-authorization requirement, also known as a pre-authorization requirement, you must get your health plan’s permission before you receive the health care service or drug that requires pre-authorization. If you don’t get permission from your health plan, your health insurance won’t pay for the service. You’ll be stuck paying the bill yourself.

Here are some tips to help get that prior authorization request approved.

Talk to the Person Who Can Make the Decision

While it’s your health insurance company that requires pre-authorization, it’s not necessarily your health insurance company that makes the decision about whether your prior authorization request is approved or denied. Although a few health plans still do prior authorizations in-house, many contract these tasks out to benefit management companies.

Your health plan may contract with a radiologic imaging benefits management company to process its prior authorization requests for things like MRI and CT scans. It may contract with a behavioral health benefits management company to process prior authorization requests for mental and behavioral health benefits. It may contract with a pharmacy benefits management company to process prior authorization requests for certain prescription drugs or specialty drugs.

If you need to speak with a human in an effort to get your prior authorization request approved, the human most likely to help you is the clinical reviewer at the benefits management company. He or she makes the decision to approve your prior authorization request, not someone at your health insurance company.

If you’re not sure which benefits management company is handling your prior authorization request, your health plan will point you in the right direction But, don’t count on your health plan personnel to be able to make the decision about approving or denying your request. Save your breath until you speak to the person who actually makes the decision.

Look at the Clinical Guidelines Used to Make Decisions Before You Submit

In some cases, you can see the clinical guidelines the reviewers base their decisions on. This is kind of like seeing the answers to a quiz before taking the quiz, only it's not cheating.

Don’t know whether or not the guidelines you’re interested are online? Ask your health plan or the benefits management company you’re dealing with for pre-authorization. If its guidelines are online, it’s usually happy to share them.

The more you and your physician know about the guidelines used to approve or deny a prior-authorization request, the more likely it is you’ll submit a request that's easy for the reviewer to approve.

You're much more likely to get a speedy approval if you give the reviewer exactly the information they need to make sure you meet the guidelines for the service you're requesting.

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  • Include clinical information that shows the reviewer you’ve met the guidelines for the test, service, or drug you’re requesting. Don't assume the reviewer knows anything about your health other than what you're submitting.
  • If you haven't met the guidelines, submit information explaining why not. Let's say the guidelines say you're supposed to try and fail drug A before being approved for drug B. You didn't try drug A because you're actively trying to get pregnant and drug A isn't safe for a developing fetus. Spell that out clearly in your prior-authorization request.

Be Careful About the Information You Submit

When you submit a prior authorization request, make sure the information you submit is totally accurate and is thorough. Prior authorization requests can be denied or delayed because of stupid mistakes like having the request submitted for a patient named John Appleseed when the health plan member’s health insurance card lists the member’s name as Jonathan Q. Appleseed, Jr.

A computer may be the first “person” processing your request. If the computer is unable to find a health plan member matching the information you submit, you could be sunk before you’ve even started.

Likewise, it may be a computer that compares the ICD-9 or ICD-10 diagnosis codes with the procedure CPT codes you submit, looking for pairs that it can approve automatically using a software algorithm. If those codes are inaccurate, a request that might have been quickly approved by the computer will instead be sent to a long queue for a human reviewer to analyze. You’ll wait another few days before you can get your mental health services, your prescription drug, or your MRI scan.

If you’re having trouble getting prior authorization or have had a prior authorization request denied, ask to see exactly what information was submitted with the request.

Debit Card Authorization Code

Sometimes, when the clerical staff at a physician’s office submits a prior authorization request, the physician hasn’t yet finished his or her clinical notes about your visit. If the office staff submits copies of your last couple of office visit notes along with the prior authorization request, the notes submitted may have absolutely nothing to do with the medical problem you’re addressing in the prior authorization request. With clinical information that doesn’t match your request, you’re unlikely to have your prior authorization request approved.

Request Denied? Try Again

If your request for prior authorization has been denied, you have the right to know why. You can ask your doctor’s office, but you might get more detailed information by asking the medical management company that denied the request in the first place. If you don’t understand the jargon they’re using, say so and ask them to explain, in plain English, why the request wasn’t approved.

Authorization Approval Code For Philippines

Frequently, the reason for the denial is something you can fix. For example, perhaps what you’re requesting can only be approved after you’ve tried and failed a less expensive therapy first. Try it; if it doesn’t work, submit a new request documenting that you tried XYZ therapy and it didn’t help your condition.

Merchant Authorization Code

Graphic equalizer studio crack. While you have the right to appeal a prior authorization request denial, it may be easier just to submit a whole new request for the same exact thing. This is especially true if you’re able to “fix” the problem that caused the denial of your first request.